chapter four: neveah meets the new world

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"Uhuh, she's making French toast and eggs."

Jake's stomach growled from the mention of food. "Yeah, we need to hurry up and eat before they get here."

Neveah rolls her eyes again but follows after her brother who was already out the bedroom. "You fatass they're not coming til 7:30 we got time!"

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Maya lays on the bed next to Riley after school, they decided to have a sleepover and tried inviting Neveah but the girl said that she already promise to hangout with Eva after working.

Maya was comfortably watching their usual show occassionaly sneaking glances at Riley who was checking her phone here and there.

Riley groans and sits up from her position and pauses the tv. "Hey I was watching that." Maya complains but in true honesty didn't really care.

"Lucas hasn't texted me back yet." Riley pouts.

Maya sighs and sits up. 'Here we go again.' "Isn't he still at practice?"

Riley purses her lips together and checks the time. "He should be getting out soon." She runs her hand through her hair. "I just want to talk to him, it's like we haven't discuss anything about last year. Like he knows that I like him and I thought that he did as well but lately he's been focusing all on practice and avoids hanging out with us and spends more time with Jake and Farkle." Maya turns completely to face Riley.

"Riles have you and Lucas actually had any deep conversation with each other? Like once, alone, together?" Riley twiddles her fingers and stares at lap as she thought.

"I-I mean no..." Maya sighs, Riley looks up at her with a sheepish smile. "Every time it gets to that point I chicken out afraid of the answer. But I know that he doesn't mind, he's just waiting for me to open up. Which I'm really grateful for."

It went silent for a second as Maya tries to gather up the courage to tell Riley how she feels and let her done easily.

"Riles I think...I think that last year between you and Lucas was just a spur of a moment." She felt her heart break from Riley's face.


"Listen, I know that I encouraged you to let go of the bar and fall on to Lucas' lap...but not everything lasts forever. You've been on this crush for a long time and it hasn't gone anywhere-"

"That's because I can't muster up the confidence to tell him how I feel Maya." Riley defensively says.

"I know, Riles. I know that." Maya says in slight annoyance, she will forever be on Riley's side about who she likes but for the past couple of months she's been observing his behavior and noticed some things. Despite her feelings for the girl she wants the best for Riley, putting her feelings aside. "But if Lucas hasn't even talked to you about how he feels then don't you think it's because he's already moved on from the crush on you?"

Riley pauses before shaking her head in denial. "N-no, Lucas' would've told me that he didn't like me. We've always been honest with each other, our whole friend group would never keep secrets."

Maya sighs out of frustration. "Okay, Riles. I'm going to be completely honest with you because you're one of my best friends and I love you." She places her hands on Riley's lap. "I think that Lucas might have something for Jake." She watches Riley's face frown and eyes tear up for a second before she laughs.

"Oh come on Maya. Jake and Lucas? You think that Lucas might like Jake?" She giggles, Maya gave her a serious look telling her that she's telling the truth causing her to stop laughing. "Oh, you're serious." Maya nods but Riley shakes her head. "Lucas would've told us or even Neveah if he had a thing for Jake. He wouldn't...he wouldn't have just led me on to believing that he likes me if he had feelings for Jake."

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