𝖝𝖝𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉

Start from the beginning

Persephone avoids interrupting Wednesday's rather tense-looking conversation with Xavier, before she is stopped by an elated Enid. "OMG! You look amazing. You and Hades look so good together. I'm living for it. And your hair!"

"Wednesday did my hair." Persephone reveals, making Enid's jaw drop. She didn't think the girl would do something so... kind. Especially if it didn't benefit her own agenda.

"Wednesday Addams?"

"How many other Wednesdays do we know, E?" Persephone chuckles. "You look stunning. Very you." Enid beams at the compliment, knowing that Persephone was the one who encouraged her to be true to her own style. "How's your date?"

Enid cringes, remembering her embarrassing moment earlier. "I spilled a yeti-tini on his pants."

"On purpose?" Persephone checks, quirking an eyebrow in amusement. Enid whacks her arm.

"No, of course not!" She denies as Persephone bursts out laughing. "You are... horrible!"

"Your date looks a bit lost without you." Persephone comments, motioning towards Lucas who stands awkwardly off to the side of the dance floor. He seems like he wants to join in but isn't quite comfortable enough in the environment.

"I need to go apologise for the yeti-tini incident." Enid panics, not bothering to say goodbye before rushing back to Lucas. Persephone grabs two cups of the blue steaming liquid and heads back to Hades.

"Xavier doesn't look happy with Wednesday." Hades comments, taking a sip of the yeti-tini.

Persephone leans in so Hades can hear her over the booming music, "I don't think he's happy with Wednesday's choice of date." Hades did not know the drama going on with his sister's love triangle so this news was a surprise to him. His eyebrows raise in astonishment as the couple both sip their drinks. As much as he enjoys gossiping in the corner with Persephone, he glanced longily at the couples who were wrapped around each other on the dance floor.

Spontaneously, Persephone blurts out a silly question, "Do you like dancing?"

"No." Hades replies immediately, regretting his harsh words as Persephone's face falls slightly.

"Oh," She says, swallowing another mouthful of her drink. "Okay." She mentally scolds herself for being so stupid.

"Ask me anyway."

Persephone looks up at him in confusion. She hesitates before spluttering out, "Will you- Will you dance with me?"

"Of course." Abandoning their empty glasses on a nearby table, Hades offers his hand for Persephone to grab. She grins widely, accepting his outstretched hand as he escorts her to the floor. 'Goo Goo Muck' by The Cramps begins to play as Hades twirls Persephone under his arm so that they stand face to face.

Hades' experience with dancing has been limited to the ballroom lessons his mother and father encouraged him to take. Not to mention the horror of witnessing his parents engage in a passionate tango ending in champagne fountains and a very heated kiss. So to say he was nervous about his first dance at a school event was an understatement. But Persephone stands in front of him, with a smile that would rival the beauty of Aphrodite. And with her by his side, he believes that the impossible will always be possible.

The two enjoy a gleeful time on the dance floor, filled with plenty of laughter, fun and smiles. They didn't care who was watching their strange, unsynchronised dance moves. Persephone gets dizzy with the amount of times Hades spins her around. She almost misses some of Wednesday's uniquely killer moves. The Addams style of dancing feels very freeing for Persephone. They have no regard for how other people may view them, they just do whatever they feel like doing. Hades adds some tango moves into the mix that his father taught him, dipping Persephone a couple of times just to hear her unfiltered laughter and to have her nestled in his arms.

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