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Thalia De Luca.

Weeks passed since then. Me and my mother got to know each other better. All of us were doing alright. Me and Vicenzo were in love more and more a very day. And now I am thirty eight weeks pregnant.I am going to finally met my baby boy.

I was looking at Vicenzo who surely put on a show for me. God. He was so sexy. He was dressing in front of me,only in a towel which is hanging lowly on his waist his hair wet droplets of water falling on the floor.

,, You know you are so sexy. "I say looking at him and he looks from the closet to me.

Me and him were fucking every day. I recall the time when I entered in my trimester. I was so turned on every minute of the damn time. And Vicenzo didn't seem to have a problem with it. I could swear he was happy that I was horny. We fucked in his study. In the wine cellar. In the library. In the living and of course in our dorm.

One time my mom entered the living when we were on the moment to fuck.You best belive she was shocked.

,, Am I now? "

I nod sleepy. We made love all of the night and I was sleepy.

The door opens and I cover myself better it was mum. And I prayed to God that Vicenzo has his pants on.

,, Mother! "I whined like a child and she says sorry.

,, It's okay just be more careful.
She nods and Vicenzo enters the walk on dresser.

I pat the place next to me and she sits down. My mother was abused all this years. She stayed in a room alone all this time.

,, Why are -Oh-Oh!

,, Calm down mother we did change the sheets. And for you information I sleep on my underwear."

That was the truth. It didn't feel good to sleep in pyjamas anymore. And my husband didn't have one problem with it. He was even excited...

,, Oh... How are you feeling.? "

,, I'm good. My boy keeps kicking me but in rest I'm good. "

,, Again, love? "My Vicenzo asked walking out of the dresser in a beautiful sexy tuxedo"

,, Yeah. Oh-speaking of kicking. He just began"

,, Is it painful? "Enzo asks .

,, Not every time. But it can be. But this little monsters keeps kicking in my blade. "

Enzo chuckles at me and I look at him with a murderous glare. It's not funny. He puts his arms up and I laugh at him.

He puts his arm on my belly.And he tells the kick along with my mother. The blanket was tangled between my legs.

,, He has force that's for sure. I'm going to the warehouse love. That's if you don't me. I can tell my dad-"

,, Enzo don't try it. I'm alright yes? Go now. Do you work. "I say. He is always thinking at me. He stays more home. And I understand him. I have braxton kicks. And I tkinks monsters want's to be out already.

,, Fine. Stay in bed don't do effort. And call me if anything happens. "He says in a command voice.

,, Yes Sir, yes. "I say smiling and he skhakes his hmom amused.

,, I'm serious love" He kisses me than my tummy and he leaves.

I'm left with my mom. Hours passed and now I'm in kitchen baking a cake. My husband love's chocolate cake, and I the good wife I am decided to bake him a cake.

,, Thalia? Honey what are you doing? "I look up and I see Marisa but she was not alone Ameli was with her and my mum.

,, Baking a cake for Vicenzo. "I respomd and look at my cake again.

,,Sweetheart you are pregnant why didn't you said do the staff. The could do it. "Marisa says coming to me.

,,Vicenzo told me he likes chocolate cake and I wanted to do something for him. "

The cake was looking good. Too good.

,, You didn't a cake for the whole family"Mum says to me. She was right a very big cake.

,, I know. Valetino and Christhoper likes it too. More Valetino that's where Vicenzo got the love for this cake. I wanted them to get to eat too. And it's enough for all of us. "I say smiling proud by my work.

,, Well I'm letting you for your cake. " Ameli says and leveas.

She was depressed. The birth didn't go do well. The girl is even now in the incubatory. They couldn't bring the boy home. And me and Enzo didn't get to see him.

,, How she doing? "I say asking Marisa. Ameli and Christhoper were here now and then. Their house was done, but they didn't get the chance to go there. They were here or at the hospital or Christhoper was with his brother or at work.

God don't make them suffer again. The don't deserve that pain.

,, She is good. My son too. They will be good. " She says with sadness and I nod my head.

A man enters the kitchen and a gun is in his arm pointing at me. Fe fires a second later and I fell it. The pain. All in my body.

,, Marisa! Thalia! "

,, Clarisa! Thalia! "

,, Thalia!Mother! "

,, Ameli! Father!

The voices boomed and the man was tackled at the ground .Valetino my dad and the two brothers enters the kitchen.

,,Is everyone okay?! "Valetino sts and mother with Marisa reasons with a yes shocked. But me? I lol at my stomach were my hand is. I look at my hand ands see blood.

,, Enzo.... " I whisper tears falling of my eyes. No. No. No. This can't be happening.

,, Thalia! "He is  besides me in the next second.

,,My baby. Enzo the baby. " I say looking at him crying in pain.

,, Branson! Ice! Boys!"He  screams and he supports me.

,, What happened? Vi-"But he stops himself and looks wide eyes with the rest of the boys.

,, Baby. Baby look at me. "He says and I do feeling my eyes flutter. "

,, You are young to okay. Yeah? Don't close your eye.

,, The baby-Enzo- baby-. "I couldn't speak the pain was to much.

,, I know love. He will be alright okay? I promise you. "

,, Branson! Get the car! Call Marco and tell him what happened. Now! "
He screams and they do.

,, What the fuck happens dad?! "

,, Calm down we need to help Thalia now. "

Enzo puck me up and we go out where the car is. He lays me in the back set and he sits with me. Valetino was in the passager sit and Branson was driving.

,,The baby.Enzo-Enzo my-my  baby. Something-something  is happening."

I see it. I feel it. The blood the pain.

,, Branson! Faster! "

I see Valetino looking at us for some seconds.

,, I know love. Everything will be alright. You will be fine and our baby too''

,, Vicenzo listen to me boy. Don't put pressure on the wound"

,, What? She will dye! She lost blood too much already"

,, She is losing the baby. The pressure is not doing good just bad.Do as I say."

And he does it took everything in me not to fall asleep.

,, Thalia, we are five minutes away from the hospital. I need you to stay awake. I needed you to concentrate and tell me what are you feeling. Are you feeling pain down there? "

I shutter a yes.

,, Fuck! "I hear him curse. I didn't understand.

,, What's going on dad?"

,, She is in labour. "Valetino says and I cry softly. My baby.

,, What?! " My husband voice is the  last thing I hear before I embrace the dark.

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