Chap 17: It Took all of This for You to Say You Loved Me?!

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Monty's POV

I started to head up the stairs after looking at the footage. After that, I went to go find the others. I walked past the chairs when out of nowhere, I was tackled to the ground. I groaned as my head hit the floor before looking up at my attacker. "I got ya now~" Roxy smirked at and wagged her tail as if I was her freshly caught prey. With the way she was looking at me, that is exactly how I felt.

"Roxy, what are you-."

"Shut up, Montgomery! Why the fuck did you attack Freddy and Y/N?!"

"He started it!" I growled as I remember our fight from earlier.

"And you almost finished it! Do you realise how hurt Freddy is?! He could have been decommissioned!" She grabbed my snout and held my head to the floor. I winched in pain at the grip on my sensitive snout as I tried to wiggle free. Fuck, she was strong. "And Y/N. I don't really care for him, but you could have fatally wounded him. Y/N is innocent. All he has ever done is care about you. You have issues, Montgomery. And you are going to pay." She growled those words, which sounded like a promise. A threat. 

Suddenly, a set of footsteps neared my head. Ones that I did not hear enter the room. They stopped. I tried to look around, but Roxy was still holding my head in place. I heard her mumble a 'hey' to the unknown animatronic. That is when I saw a shadow fall over me. Whoever it was, was crouching near my head. That is when the sound of metal scraping metal could be heard and a pointy metallic object was ran up my shoulder, onto my chest, up my neck and then onto my jaw. A deep chuckle was emitted from the mysterious animatronic. "Yer got a price t' pay, matey. Yer be comin' with Roxy 'n' I whether yer like it or not." And with that, I felt the weight of a body lifted off of me then Foxy and Roxy worked together to pick me up and carry me away.


End of POV

After a while of walking, the animatronics came to a halt. Monty could not tell where they were as he was faced up at the ceiling. He was very confused and concerned. Suddenly, the purple and the red animatronic dropped the green one onto the cold metallic floor. Monty huffed as he sat up against the wall, taking in that he was currently in the kitchen. He stared up at his captors and sighed. Foxy yet again traced parts of the gator's exoskeleton with his sharp hook, his long hair shadowing his face. He began to leave marks and scratches on the paint job of his and Roxy's captive. Roxanne harshly kicked Montgomery in his side, knocking him to the ground. He yelped in pain, his sunglasses skidding across the floor. The two cackled at his pain, giving each other grins of accomplishment. 

"You're going to get what's coming for you, Monty. You should have never put your claws on Freddy and Y/N!" The wolf flipped her luscious hair as she glared down at him, pressing her foot down on his chest. As she was denting Monty's shell, Foxy made his way over to the trash compactor and pressed the button to ensure that it was in working condition.

"It be workin'." The fox confirmed as he headed back over to the others.

"Great~ Y'know, Mont. I was kinda speculating if you were actually the one to kill Bonnie. They were your best friend, after all. And despite how aggressive you were, you had never been aggressive towards us. But after tonight, my mind has been completely changed. You killed Bonnie. And now, you tried to kill Freddy!!" She then booted the reptile across the face and huffed in anger. Monty just laid in silence. Admitting his defeat. He knew there was nothing he could do.

"They be almost here. I can hear 'em." Foxy alerted Roxy as he walked towards the door of the kitchen. Shortly after, Chica walked in helping Freddy walk. Y/N was besides them. The human and the alligator locked eyes for a while. Y/N looked at Monty with such fear in his eyes. The way he froze when he noticed the green one hurt. Monty could not express how bad he felt. He struggled to get up, but the red animatronic quickly grabbed him and threw him against the wall. "Stay. Still." He demanded. The other complied without second thought. 

The four animatronics and the human huddled into a circle in a corner away from the dangerous one. Freddy and Y/N were holding hands to comfort one another as Chica sadly sighed. "How ya two doin'?" Foxy wondered.

"Thanks to Chica and Y/N, I have been fixed to a working extent. I will need proper mechanic attention, which Y/N could not give me due to his injury and not having supply of needed parts. But I shall be fine for the meantime." Freddy explained.

"My wounds have been cleaned and wrapped making sure I experience minimal blood loss. But after all of this is over, I will need to go to a hospital. Who knows how bad these wounds really are." You gave your answer.

"All that matters is that the two of you are alive." Roxy stated.

"I.. I'm still surprised! I-I didn't fully believe Monty killed Bonnie. I couldn't bring myself to think one of our friends would do that to another one of our friends.!" Chica broke as she began to cry a little, "B-But after this.. Oh! I'm so disappointed in Monty. I trusted him.." You let go of the bear's hand to go hug the chicken. She quickly returned the embrace.

"I..I trusted Monty, too. Out of everyone, I was the only one to fully believe that he didn't hurt Bonnie.. But," you sadly laughed,  "..Now I know that he killed Bonnie and that he tried to kill Freddy. He also hurt me.." The singer placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Trusting Monty was one thing.. But loving him was another. And quite possibly the worst mistake of my life." You admitted with venom in your tone, causing Monty's mouth to widen as he gasped  in shock. 

"You guys ready?" Roxy asked. Everyone else nodded. The others all knew what they meant, besides Monty. The fox walked over and grabbed the bassist, dragging him towards the trash compactor. He stared up at him with terror in his eyes. He squirmed and kicked his legs, "No.. No!! Foxy, please!! Don't do this!" The red animatronic didn't respond. He just pulled harder. Chica whimpered as she hugged the wolf tightly. Freddy walked over slowly to Foxy, who was now standing Monty up in front of the machine. Y/N followed behind. 

"Y/N.." He pleaded, tears streaming down his face. You could see his life flashing before his eyes. You stayed quiet. You grabbed onto the bear's arm as you sobbed. Monty was your friend. You knew this wasn't right. But, a life for a life. You looked up at the leader, who kissed your forehead before walking over to the bass player. You took his hand in yours as you looked into his eyes.

"Y/N.. I-I.. Y'know I love you.." You looked at him with a disgusted face, letting his hand slip from yours. "I-It took for you to be hated by everyone after almost killing Freddy and potentially having the intent to inflict the same pain on me and to be experiencing your last few moments of your life to say that you love me?! If you really loved me.. You would have said it sooner." 

You backed away from the scene as Freddy walked to it. He grabbed Monty and started to push him towards the trash compactor. "WAIT!" The Gator yelled as it was turned on, gaining the attention of the small crowd who were about to witness his death. "I know!! I know who did it!! I know who killed-," and before he could finish his sentence, the singer chucked him into the compactor. Monty screamed loudly in fear and soon in pain. When his screaming subsided, you gripped Freddy's arm and started crying loudly. "He is gone now, N/N.. We're all safe."

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