Chap 16: Monty's Monologue

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Monty's POV

I pushed my way out of Freddy's room and I ran. I ran as fast as my metallic legs could take me. I don't know where I was running to, but I had to get away from Freddy and Y/N. I couldn't believe what I had done. I had splatters of Freddy's oil all over my torso and Y/N blood stained my hand and claws. I didn't feel bad about hurting that bear. I meant what I said. He had it coming for him. Freddy Fazbear is a liar, a trickster, a manipulator, and bloody good at playing the victim. He is not yo be trusted. I just wish I could tell Y/N and the others that. Then again, even if I did, they would not believe me. This attack on Freddy gave them more proof into believing I was the one that killed Bonnie. I despise that asshole. Yes, I scratched up his couch a little bit, but he pounced on me first. I obviously retaliated. I should have known it was suspicious that he wasn't fighting back. It was all part of his plan to strip Y/N away from me.

Y/N. My Y/N. I loved him so much. I always have. It was obvious when he started to gain feelings for the bear not long after joining the mechanic staff. It hurt. It really did. But I did not let that get to me. I had to be strong and confident, like always. I needed to show how proud I was and strut off my ego. But that night. The night Bonnie was found in my golfing area, Y/N believed me. He stuck by me when nobody else would. When I needed someone to confide in, he was there. When he was in my arms after awaking, I felt sparks, and I swear he did too. That night was brutal, but oh so bittersweet. He relaxed me. He ignited something inside of me that raged with passion. Something I have never once felt. Soon, we fell. Y/N was mine, as I was his. We loved each other, but he felt distant. 

When I would be waiting for my morning check-up from the human, I would hear him and Fazbear giggling away as she tended to his needs. These walls were thin. All you could hear was their chitter. It drove me insane. The way Y/N laughed at him. With him. It pained me. I couldn't bare it. How they clicked with one another even after what happened that night astounded me. And admittedly, it made me sickeningly jealous. You could hear how happy they made one another. It made me feel worthless. I would pace my room, trying to remove their sounds of joy from my head. But I just couldn't. As much as I hated it, I wanted to know what they were talking about so desperately. My want for knowing what they were speaking about was like an inch that would not go away. 

There was one day, after Y/N finished Freddy's morning check-up. He entered my room, positive energy radiating off of him. His cheeks were flushed red, as were his ears. He held his equipment lazily. As he approached closer, I got see his chest quickly rising and falling. That indicated that his heart was beating. I stood frozen in place upon noticing that I have never made Y/N be that way. Never once during our relationship, have I seen Y/N breath taken. I slouched in defeat knowing that I would never make him feel that way. I was already hurt. But when he stood in front of me, and looked up at me with his gorgeous e/c eyes that I loved so much, his expression and mods completely changed. The blush drained from their cheeks and his breathing calmed down with the movements of his chest. His smile even faded. He didn't smile at me. I stared down at them, my jaw slightly agape as the light in my eyes disappeared. In that moment I knew I had lost. I was Y/N's, but he was not mine. He was Freddy's. I was a fool for believing this pretty thing actually loved me. Of course he loved the oh so loved Freddy Fazbear. The popular one who was adored by each individual soul. I never stood a chance. 

I could not bring myself to leave Y/N. I loved him too much. And i wasn't even sure if he knew that he didn't love me. I let Y/N clean me as I stood in silence, never making eye contact. It was obvious I was troubled due to how my tail was between my legs and flicking. Also how I would growl whenever the thought of him and Freddy being together invaded my head. I just wanted Y/N to notice I was sad. I wanted their love. I needed their affection and reassurance. But that hardly ever happened after that day. 

The moment Y/N asked Freddy and I to forgive each other, I was very hesitant. But, I agreed. I agreed so he would be happy. I did not like Fazbear. I hated him. And I am sure the feelings were, and are, mutual. It feels as if ever since I joined the band, he has had it out for me. But it got worse after that night. Every time I would pass him, he would glare at me. He'd give me filthy looks. Looks of disgust and hatred. Oh how he made my circuits fry. Freddy would silently treat me like a pile of scrap metal when we were alone, but on stage, him and I were best friends. It was amusing how easily he switched up. But also highly disturbing. 

I kept running. I was now panting and my feet were starting to ache. By this point, I had tears streaming down my face. These thoughts mixed with the recent events were too much for me to handle. I tried my hardest not to sob so I do not alert the others, but all I wanted was to stop and break down. To be vulnerable and weak for once in my existence. I craved wanting to be able to actually feel. To feel sadness and despair without holding back would be such sweet release. It was something I needed for the longest time. I yearned for it. Yet, I could not have it. Not now, at least.

I began to think of possible hiding places. Gator Golf was out of the question as it was too obvious. Hiding in the others' areas wouldn't be a good choice either since they know how to navigate so well. I did not even bother with the thought of hiding in the Daycare. The daycare attendants freak me out. That left one place. Bonnie Bowl. As I ran there, I started thinking about Bonnie and how I missed them. He was my closest friend, other than Y/N. I would have never hurt them. Yes, I was aggressive, but I wouldn't kill someone so close to me. When I started to think about it, it was kind of odd that Bonnie fell from my cat walks. He had a keen sense of his surroundings. That means someone pushed them off. Fuck. If only there was some way for me to see Bonnie's last moments. That's when I realised it. His memory chip had survived the fall. I found it at his scene of death and hid it away in Bonnie Bowl. 

I thought I was already running fast, but the speed I took when Bonnie Bowl came into my vision was one I had not ran at before. I made my way through the bowling alley and down stairs to an area with a bunch of boxes. I hid it in of them, but which one? I started rummaging through the cardboard and the supplies in search of Bonnie's memory chip. After many minutes, there  was one box left. I tipped it upside down and fell was a small piece of hardware. That was it. I pushed the chip into a valve on my body made for chips and USBs that would program new data onto me. With that chip, I was able to view and listen to my friend's final moments. What I saw horrified me. But, it made sense. I made my way up the stairs, preparing the go show the others of my discovery. I can't believe-


Roxy's POV

I had searched everywhere for that filthy reptile. Besides one place. Bonnie Bowl. I made my way to my departed friend's attraction. As it came into my view, I felt sadness and anger. I was going to avenge Bonnie. No matter what the reason or who did it. I wanted revenge. And that revenge was for Monty. That disgusting thing. He killed Bonnie and then nearly killed Freddy. How sickening. I entered the bowling alley and I heard footsteps nearing. They were coming from the back of Bonnie Bowl. I quickly ran and hid behind one of the lounges. Coming up a set of stairs, was Montgomery. I narrowed my eyes and my tail wagged as I got into position. When he got close enough, I pounced. I jumped at the vermin and tackled him to the floor. "UGH!" He groaned as he hit the floor.

"I've got ya now~"

Author Note

I wrote this chapter in a singular sitting, but it is worded at 1559 words. I hope you enjoyed!

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