Chap 9: The Gator Golf Catastrophy

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"Y/N?! Y/N!!" Was the first thing you called upon answering your phone at 12:00 am. It was now a few weeks after your talk with Mx. Leone and you had just woken up to a call from them. As your heard the panic in their voice, every ounce of drowsiness left your body.
What's wrong?! Did something happen?!" You questioned.
"Yes! Yes!! It's Bonnie! You need to come down here! RIGHT NOW!" Your boss demanded.
"OKAY FUCK! I will!!" You promised, hanging up and rushing to get changed and quickly run a brush through your hair.

You raced out of your room, through your house, and then out your door. You began to practically sprint your way down to the Pizza-Plex. Anxiety, worry and a whole ton of other emotions were surging through your body. You had no idea what was going on, just that something was wrong with a beloved purple bunny that needed your assistance.

You finally arrived at the plex, and your rummaged through your pockets to grab your keys. You ran inside and to the main atrium. You pulled out your phone and quickly contacted Mx. Leone. "I'm here! Where are you?" You asked frantically.
"I-I'm in Gator Golf!" They replied, sounding overwhelmed.
"Okay! I'll be there really soon!" You hung up once again and used your remaining energy to run to Gator Golf and locate the boss and Bonnie.

Making your way through the golf course, numerous thoughts were racing through your mind. Your heart was racing, your body was shaking and now your breaths was short and shallow. You hoped that he was okay, even despite the two short conversations you had with your boss, indicating that he wasn't. Every possible situation was popping up in your head, but nothing would've prepared you for what you were about to see.

You found them. You wish you didn't, but you did. Your heart sunk and you dropped to your knees. There was Bonnie. He was all mangled and destroyed. Oil was leaking out of him, his paint was chipped, he was missing an eye and several teeth. His right foot was also detached and his head and torso were severely dented. Mx. Leone was by his side, talking to him, asking his questions. They wanted to see if he could still communicate, but it was obvious that he was gone. He had to be decommissioned.

Tears started to well up in your eyes and you just stared at him. You couldn't look away. You were so confused and overwhelmed right now. What happened to him? As you began to cry, you felt a large pair of metallic arms wrap around you. You knew instantly that it was Monty. You sunk backwards into his chest and kept sobbing. He held you close to him, not speaking a single word. You wondered if he saw what happened, especially since it happened in his attraction.

Montgomery turned you around to face him. He looked you in the eyes for a few seconds, a sad look on his face, before pulling you into a comforting embrace. You rested your forehead against his metallic chest and tried your best to wrap your arms around his torso as tears continued to stream down your now pink cheeks. He hushed you, rubbing your back and whispering a few "It'll be okay"s in your ear.

That's when the rest of the band and Foxy rushed into the attraction and ran towards the scene. Freddy, Chica and Roxanne gasped, their eyes and mouths wide. Foxy was different though. He stood there, still and quiet, but his tail dropped. His face blank upon seeing the wreck his boyfriend was in. Everybody was looking at him with concern on this faces. "Foxy, are you-," The chicken started to ask, but was quickly cut off by the sound of the fox dropping down on the floor next to the rabbit.

"What thy fuck happened t' Bonnie?!" He wailed, a look of what seemed to be anger on his face.
"I-I don't know, Foxy.. I just came in here and found him.. Like this." Mx. Leone admitted, "He was alone. Nobody else was here.. Not even Monty.."
That sentence made every being in the room bring their attention towards the alligator. The pirate jumped up, walking towards the golfer. Monty quickly released you from the hug and stood up, backing away.

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