Chap 3: Birthday Boy!

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Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
F/S: Favourite song
E/C: Eye colour

You were staring out of the taxi window while listening to your f/s, when suddenly you started to see familiar surroundings. You perked up in your seat and the sudden feeling of excitement rushed through your entire body. Your e/c eyes shimmered and shined as you saw that you were now in your childhood neighbourhood where you lived before your mother made you move.

"Nearly there, sir. About five more minutes until we arrive at your destination." The taxi driver enlightened you.
"Alright, thank you! You chimed.


There it was. Your childhood home. The more it came into your view, the more excited you grew. Finally, the taxi stopped, allowing you to unbuckle your seatbelt and jump out of the car. You quickly grabbed your stuff from the boot and payed the driver before dragging all of your belongings up the driveway and to the door.

You stood at the door for a few moments in utter silence before grabbing your keys from your pocket and unlocking the door and heading inside. As you dragged all of your stuff in, you took in the look of the old house. You were still in disbelief that you were able to buy your childhood home. It looked pretty much the same, for as far as you could tell.

You lugged your items to your new bedroom, which used to be your mother's. You placed everything in front of the built-in wardrobe then collapsed on the bed quickly. In that moment, you were so glad you brought your friends here the other weekend to help set the house up before you officially moved in.

As you thought about how appreciative you are of your friends, you could feel your eyelids get heavier with each passing second. You crawled under your blankets and got comfortable. Then suddenly, you were asleep.


It has been six days since you left your university and have been living back in your childhood home. You were currently lounging in the couch in the living room and just skipping through the TV channels to see if there was anything on that interested you. After five minutes of clicking buttons on the remote, your groaned in annoyance. "Let's just call Ollie.." you spoke to yourself as you grabbed your phone from the coffee table.

You scrolled through your contacts until you saw one that read Carmelo:D and clicked on it. After a few rings, your best friend picked up the phone. "Hey, Y/N!! What's up, man?" He questioned.
"Ah, nothing. Just bored, y'know? Being alone is just not as fun as I thought it'd be!" You complained.
"Well, don't worry about that! Remember, the gang and I are coming down to your house tomorrow because it's your birthday!"
"What?" You asked, confused.
"Tomorrow? My birthday's not tomorrow."
"N/N, your birthday is tomorrow. Check the date!"
"Okay, okay, whatever." You sighed as you checked the date on your phone, "Ah fuck.." your mumbled.
"Y/N? You good?" Oliver wondered with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Ollie, I gotta go! Tell the boys I said hi!"
"Wha-," and before he could finish his sentence, you hung up.

"Ah fuck.." you groaned as you looked at the state of your house. It was a total fucking pig-sty and you didn't realise your friends were coming over tomorrow. After regretting your life choices, you finally decided to get motivated and began to clean.


"Oh, Mother Mary.. Finally, done!" You sighed in relief as you walked around your now clean house. You looked at the clock to see the time. "Time to cook dinner!" You ordered yourself as you marched off into the kitchen to cook some food.

I'm.. in love.? (Gr!Freddy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now