Chap 1: "Mama, why did you lie to me.?"

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Y/N: Your name
F/t: Favourite type
Bambino: A baby or young child
E/c: Eye colour
H/c: Hair colour
S/c: Skin colour
M/N: Mother's name
L/N: Last name
F/p: Favourite pizza
F/d: Favourite drink

*brr* *bzzz* *brr*
Your alarm sounded as you reached for it to turn it off. As you were doing so, you realised what day it was and basically sprung out of bed and sped to your mum's room, jumping on her.

"MAMA!!" You giggled as you shook your poor mother awake.
"Mm.. What is it Y/N.?" She sat up groggily and looked at you, pulling you closer to fix your h/c hair.

"Guess what today is~" You chimed.
And with that, your mother sat and began to think, which honestly made you quite sad.
"Hm, I don't know, bambino. What is today?"
That comment made your face drop.

"Mama.. It's my birthday. I'm turning seven, remember.?" You let out sadly with a pout.
"Oh, baby! I'm so sorry!!" Your mother quickly embraced you in a hug, which you were too stubborn and upset to return.


You and your mother were now sitting on the leather couch of your lounge room, each with a bowl of f/t of cereal on your laps. Your mother would look at you from time to time to see if you were still sad from before, and each time she looked, your face still held a disappointment expression.

"Y/N," Your mum began.
"Whatcha want, ma?" You replied, with a bit of venom in your tone at the end, keeping your eyes glued on the television that has Steven Universe: The Movie playing on it.
"I know a way to make me forgetting your birthday up to you." She finished, drawing you to look at her making your e/c eyes meeting your mother's emerald ones.

"And what is 'at, mama?"
"Get dressed and get your shoes on, Y/N. We're going out."


There you both were, standing at the entrance of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The pizzeria in Hurricane, Utah that was famous for the four animal animatronics that reside inside of it and because of the rumours surging around the entire nation, and even other nations, about it.

As you stepped inside, you kept ahold of your mum's hand and found yourself inside of some party room with a decent sized stage. The floors were checkered black and white and there were numerous wooden tables in the room. You looked up and over at the stage and saw three, seven foot animaltronics singing, dancing or playing an instrument while music chimed through the room.

On the left was a purple or blue.. maybe both? coloured bunny animatronic, named Bonnie, who was playing a red electric guitar and had a nice bow tie that matched the guitar. On the right was a round, yellow chicken, named Chica, who wore a bib that said "Let's eat!". She wasn't playing an instrument, but just dancing. And in the middle, was the main star of the show, Freddy Fazbear. He was a a brown bear and taller than the rest of the trio. He had a black top hat and bow tie and held a microphone in his hand.

You stared at all of the robots in awe while gripping your mum's s/c hand tighter. Your main focus was on Freddy. He was your favourite. You always thought he was so cool and amazing.

Your mother started prying your hand off of hers because your hold on it was starting to hurt. "Y/N, don't squeeze so tight! It's hurting mummy, sweetie." She spoke while bending down closer to your height.

"Sorry, mama!" You giggled a bit and softened your grip on your mother's sore hand.
"Thank you, bambino~" She laughed a little, "Now, let's go get a seat and order a pizza!"
"Yay!!" You cheered, making your mum laugh even more.


The both of you had found seating near the stage, but not too close, so you could get a good view of the show. You were now over at Pirate's Cove, watching Foxy while waiting patiently for your food and drinks.

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