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I closed the last letter, letter by you as I looked up. The big tree was still here as I sit under it. You were right about everything.

I just wished I fell in love with you a little early to spend a little more time with you. But I think this is were actually our story ends. I wipped my silent tears as I think of your smily face.

I took my book and flipped through the pages and a small hope build into me.

Hope have always been cruel to me. Making me imagine things as I aspire to have it one day. Why was hope cruel? Is it bad to hope?

You always gave me hope. Everything from you was beautiful.

I set there for a few minutes as I patiently wait for you to come running to me and demand me to read to you. Just like you always do. You will come running and sit by my side. Tell me to read the paragraph to you as you listen to me.

You never listened to me. You always pretend, that you do. But all you did was stare at my face as if it facinanted you.

I wait for you to appear and prove it all a nightmare. A cruel nightmare. That's all it has to be.

I waited and waited but you never came. I set there for few more minutes and tears perk my eyes and realisation finally sets in.

Deniel was bliss. The sence of knowing that it could be all wrong. But the greif afterwards kills you, slowly and mercilessly.

It tears you apart, memory by memory, just to leave you with broken pieaces of them.

You will never be there and I will alone again in this world.

You weren't there to tease and laugh with me. You weren't there to take care of me and actually ask me if I ate or not. Of all you weren't there to love me as you promised.

But I still hope if you are here as a ghost you will come to me and be with me. Because this loneliness wasn't my friend and you made me realise that, now you leave me too.

You gave me hope to love and I did. I was thankfull of what your love gave me. A magical bliss of world people kill to have. You gave me that on a golden platter with your heart decorated on it.

Love is strange. It can't be defined in words. Some say, it's grief. Some say it's hurt. I say love is you. You were what could actually define love and now that you are gone this world seem to miss love.

You said to love this broken world a little more. But how can I do it my moon? How can I love when I lost it with you?

I can't find it. With you here with me I could see love in every corner but without you I find nothing but a black and white world consuming my very being everyday.

How will I breath without you? How will I survive without you? Most of all how will I love without you?

I can't love someone else when my heart just got burried 6 feet under with yours. Miles away from me, in your hometown.

You parents seem to take the news easily. Maybe they knew it was going to happen. But what about me?

I looked at the sky as if feeling you were looking at me. The sun was bright today and it seems unaffected. But I didn't mind it. I saw your shine in it.

As if you were there telling me that everything will be fine as you always did. And I belived you this time too.

It will be fine in the end. You said it yourself.

I looked at all those letters for one last time as I kissed them tenderly and placed it in my bag

"I love you so much my moon. With you here is what makes me complete. With you gone I feel like I miss a piece of me. But I promise to stay by your side until I breath my last breath. Because for you my love, I am ready to lay my life too, now that you are gone." I whispered slowly.

I closed my eyes remembering your smiley face for one more time. Memories are vast. Remembering them was cruel. But yours were what made me keep going.

I wished to be confined in the today forever burried with your memories, for today it hold you and I can't seem to leave you. I don't want to leave you.

Is it possible to not leave you? Because all I did was love you, all we wished together was our happy ending and all we aspire were the dream that never got completed.

Hate is strong emotion. And yet I hate the faith people talk about. It teared us apart in pieces from our ongoing book. Shreades into pieces of hopelessness, knowing it won't come together again.

Was a little more time wasn't in our favoure? Was our happy ending isn't worthy enough to be spoken about?

So many question I have my moon. And yet I don't have answers. All I have is your letters with me that weight heavier then my heart today. Every word feel like a hammer on my own emotion.

Can I blame disease and death for the cruelty they played with us? Can death be anymore painfull?

I don't have answers. I don't have anything with me.

I sit back again and leaned on the tree trunk as a sob left me. "Why are you not here? Oh God why...?" I said slowly between my sobs.

But today like the first time you hold me while I cried. You weren't there to  comfort me. No one was here today to tell me and hold me.

You left me early in this cruel world. We were suppose to fight it all. We were suppose to make it till the end. Scream at the world that we won and that they can't stop us. Why did we let the world win?

I burried my face in my palm and cried the years that souly belongs to you. Every sob, every tear, every breath belongs to you and yet you are no longer here to take it all.


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