199. Cradle my battered heart [Katelena]

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Title: Cradle my battered heart

Author: microsoftword

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: It feels like the very apartment itself is suffocating her with memories, yet Kate can't bring herself to leave, because of the slim chance that Yelena might come back so they can talk, argue again, do something, and if she doesn't, then... then...

Kate buries her face in her hands. She doesn't know what to do if Yelena doesn't come back, if the last interaction they'll ever have is last night's fight, when they were both angry and frustrated, forever tainting all that came before.

After a fight with Yelena, Kate wakes up alone to find a note that says 'Sorry, this isn't working', and spirals.

Chapters: Oneshot

Words: 5,166


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Minor Relationship(s): N/A

Friendship(s): N/A

Warning(s): Violence

My Rating: 9/10

Fav Quote(s):

"Come, let's get you fed."

"My smart, kindhearted, and very, very hot-"

My Comments/Thoughts: I was going through a series of different emotions on this one. I believe there could be some more development and slow-burn to this especially with what happened during the argument, so it would be cool to see this story expand into a multi-chapter one. Nonetheless, love the storyline.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44468680

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