Chapter 33 - Friends

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"What do you mean I'd be friends with the other Knights?!"

By now, the sun was high in the sky and Albedo was beyond overwhelmed by Melanie's sleep-induced giddiness. Everything he said was funny to her, especially when it was the opposite. She continued to have a large smile on her face, which brought one to Albedo's. Being this happy was unnatural, but it was healthy.

Albedo tapped his chin thoughtfully, watching her roll over on the futon clumsily. "You'd make a good Outrider with Amber, actually. She's not the biggest fan of me; apparently I'm hiding the 'super awesome' things and she has no idea what I'm thinking."

"So... where's the connection here? I don't see it!" Melanie giggled, rolling herself in the fluffy blanket previously sprawled out on the surface of the futon. She raised the blanket over her face, whirling her head around blindly.

Suddenly, the blanket was yanked away in one swift pull. Albedo, who was bent over to be face to face with Melanie, leaned forward to plant a kiss on her lips briefly. A smirk spread across his lips when he pulled away. He patted her head while she stared ahead, completely stunned, frozen.

"Amber is full of energy and is loaded with personality. She could use a buddy who shares that passion, don't you think? Being an Outrider isn't so bad. I know how you love to explore the terrain, and it would be a wonderful thing to be part of," Albedo explained to her. "Better than Kaeya and Lisa, it seems."

Melanie shook her head, snapping herself out of the trance. She imagined herself in an Outrider outfit, likely the blue version of Amber's, and wondered what it would be like. To wear the Knights of Favonia's emblem... it felt wrong in a sense. Besides, could she even weasel her way into their ranks? That meant she'd have to give up her insignia, and she hadn't given her decision much thought since Albedo suggested the idea.

Mondstadt is the City of Freedom, and there was nothing more she loved than roaming on her own accord. The Knights felt so... restricting. What if she was confined to a desk the whole time, sorting out papers? Was is possible that she'd be so busy with missions that she could never spend time on her own, or with Albedo? Would she ever see the light of day again?!

She shuddered at the thought. "If Kaeya warmed up to me enough, I feel like we'd be rivals," she joked, lightly flicking Albedo's forehead when he swooped in for another kiss. A scolding look was cast at him. In a moment, it turned into laughter between the two.

"You want to befriend the Calvary Captain?" Albedo inquired, looking confused. "He's been nothing but an ass to you, haven't you noticed?"

Melanie shrugged her shoulders. "Everyone's an ass to me; it's natural. But there would be some pretty good competition between us! I bet I'd be the first to make him surrender in a fight."
Albedo scoffed dramatically, throwing in an eye roll for good measure. "I hope you aren't planning on having him surrender in another way."

A gasp came from her in an instant. She jumped up from the futon, tackling him to the ground face-first. Only when the two were tussling on the ground did she firmly kiss his cheek, despite his frantic squirming beneath her. Melanie kept kissing him until he stopped her.

For a solid minute, Melanie was afraid he wouldn't actually be able to throw her off. Maybe in some way, he was enjoying it, but that didn't last for long. She squeaked with surprise as Albedo flung her away playfully. He leaned over her, smirking.

"My turn~" he said with a chuckle.

Leaning down, he kissed her deeply, cupping her face to keep her near him. It was her turn to squirm around, no matter how much she was enjoying the extra attention from him. Every time she tried to get away, he merely used his leg to shove her back into his face.

Eventually, she gave in and reciprocated the kiss and went limp under him. He pulled away, wiping away a strand of saliva connecting their lips with his sleeve. The brightest smile shined on his face. She knew exactly what he was going to say.

"I think I won."

"You won."

Their words were spoken at the exact same time. Melanie laughed, standing up and dusting herself off. Both of her arms were stretched above her head. Earlier she had removed her sling against Albedo's advice, but just like she imagined the Knights, it restricted her too much. Her shoulder ached, though not as bad as it could be.

Melanie seated herself back on the futon, a light blush on her cheeks from his gimmick. "Tell me about Lisa," she said, laying back and patting the spot next to her. "And before you try making another move, at least let me clear the rocks away because those hurt like hell."

This made Albedo chuckle to himself while he took a seat on the futon. He leaned back to rest his head on her belly, his legs hanging over the edge. The rising and falling of her diaphragm seemed to calm him.

"Lisa? I always am impressed by the valuable perspectives she brings to discussions. Quite the character she is. She has a way of wiggling into people's hearts with her flirtatious personality and generous gestures." Albedo rolled his head side to side on her stomach, which was equivalent to him shaking his head. The feeling sent an odd shiver up her spine.

"So... definitely wouldn't get along with her? Those are the vibes I'm getting," Melanie grumbled. She'd never seen Lisa for herself, but she'd heard stories of the librarian countless times in Mondstadt.

Albedo nodded, sending another shiver through her with his movement. She shifted her legs in embarrassment. Something about his head resting on her stomach was sensual, but she couldn't quite understand why.

"I think Klee would look up to you," Albedo admitted, closing his eyes as he spoke. "My sister is the type of person who strives to have adventure and strike up some chaos with the bombs she creates. While she tends to hang with the wrong crowd sometimes, namely a certain Captain, she's a pure soul."

Melanie remembered the little girl who ran to Albedo when she was in the Knights of Favonius headquarters. Klee was the Spark Knight, if she remembered correctly, which meant she had already established a place within the Knights. But how could she be so free? There had been dozens of times she'd spotted the girl by the lakes. Didn't she have tasks, or was she too young?

It gave her a glimmer of hope, though. Maybe there really was more to the Knights than anybody had let on... but was any of it worth losing an important piece of her history?

Draping an arm over her eyes, she let out a huff. "Are you setting me up with your sister right now?"

Another scoff came from Albedo, this time more amused than anything. "I think you, Amber, and Klee could be a power trio, don't you think? Each has a unique personality that complements the others."

"You're forgetting I have an acute fear of Pyro users!"

"Just because Sanna melts in the presence of flames doesn't mean you do the exact same. Are you afraid the sight of swords will decapitate you, too?" he challenged, opening his eyes.

Melanie slammed her hand down on his face, laughing menacingly. There was very little force behind it, merely gravity adding the umph to it that sent Albedo lightly slapping her hand like a cat with a mouse.

The two tussled with each other once again, and even with Melanie's growing exhaustion, she fought back with impeccable speed. A slap fight broke out, followed by another kiss battle, until the two eventually gave up and went back to talking about the members of the Knights. From Diluc to Jean, it only continued to motivate Melanie's decision more and more.


These two, I swear- 

Question of the chapter:
Who do you think Melanie would be BFF's with?

Question of the chapter:Who do you think Melanie would be BFF's with?

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