what type of student would they be?

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discord was talking about this, so i decided to make a chapter about it!



he would be the type that during summer is so worried about school and tries to prepare in like July *insert skull emoji*

(ngl that was me tho)

also, he would definetly be in a bunch of extra-curriclulars or whatever you call them. he wouldn't do sports though. besides track (cuz it's just running lmao)


he would be the type to not care much about school. also gets his phone taken away by the teachers pretty much every day because he won't stay the hell off of it. is pretty popular. many people have a crush on him.


she's the super smart quiet girl. she listens really well, but never really talks to anyone. all of her teachers love her, since she's super nice. she also takes her lunch every day.

Rosa Maria-

she's a really chill party girl. only had C's and B's, but didn't annoy the teachers (not too often at least) some people looked down on her for having a baby at only 16, but she still kept most of her friends and was really good at giving advice and just an overall amazing person to be around. 


she would normally get bullied because of her size, but wasn't bullied too much because she sent a bunch of people to the hospital. did pretty well in her classes, and her teachers were nice to her.


was pretty smart. acted in the school play every year. was known for being an amazing actor, and was pretty popular.


Was kinda smart. didn't have many friends, but had a few close ones that had the same interests as him. spent most of his class time playing games, either on a device, or on a table (board games basically) was in the chess club.\


that one girl that sits in the back of the class with her hood up and never says anything. never raises her hand, but still gets ok grades. secretly has an airpod in her right ear at all times.


Really loves gaming, and hates school more than anything (well, besides cheaters)

is competitive asf. barely pays attention in class. sneaks her DS and plays it either under the table or in the bathroom. trades pokemon cards with her peers (not me in 4th grade lmfao) is very outgoing and will go on and on about her interests. is also pretty popular.


was very smart. that's all i gotta say.


was 100% on the debate team. also was on the student council. was an overall smart person, but will absolutely destroy you in an arguement.


was a nerd. got bullied A LOT. tried to make friends but was really socially awkward.


is a really chill guy and has some cool friends. smokes weed in the bathroom lmao. didn't get too bad of grades, but he could've definetly used some improving.


so yea

ima go now lmaooo


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