Alice and I stand behind a pillar, watching everything. "Congratulations, dear Mirana, on your coming of age." King Oleron says, looking fondly at Mirana. I look at Mirana and smile, lovesick, and missing her more than ever. "And now, the heir," King Oleron says, looking at Iracebeth.

I look around at everyone and I looked back at the royal family to find young Mirana looking at me with a blush on her face. I panic and cover my face, hearing a quiet giggle from Mirana, causing Iracebeth to look at her sister in confusion.

Alice giggles and nudges me, "Look at that. Already swooning Mirana and you haven't met officially yet." I snort and ignore Ali, still watching the royal family. "The crown for Princess Iracebeth," The king gestures to Iracebeth, and Mirana is the only one clapping. I frown in sympathy for Iracebeth. She might be crazy, but no one should be this disrespectful to a Princess.

I see Iracebeth look around slightly in anger as Mirana frowns. I sigh softly and smile sadly at Mirana as she looks at me in sadness. I mouth to Mirana, "I'm sorry, love." Mirana blushes and looks away from me. I see her mother, Queen Elsemere, look at her in confusion, and then look at me with a smile on her face. Queen Elsemere nods to me as I bow in respect. I didn't see the King look over at me with pride and he gripped the Queen's hand in excitement. Mirana looks at her parents in happiness and giggles excitedly. Iracebeth fumes as she glares at Mirana in jealousy.

I watch as Hatter's father tries to put the crown on Iracebeth's head, only to struggle to do it. I hear Hatter snicker and I go wide-eyed as everyone looks at him. Iracebeth turns around sharply and sneers, "Quiet!"

The box that held the crown, slams shut and I flinch as Iracebeth grows angrier, "What are you doing, Idiot?" The whole room mutters as Mirana looks at me in despair. I take a step forward, but Alice holds me back, "You aren't really supposed to meet her until later. You can't help her." I grit my teeth, ready to walk forward to comfort my queen and wife.

Hatter's father struggles until the crown breaks and all the jewels fall onto the floor. Everyone gasps in horror and I cover my mouth. Everyone starts laughing and I look at Mirana in sympathy, knowing what will happen when Iracebeth snaps.

"Silence!" Iracebeth screams as she jumps out of her chair, "The next person that laughs will never laugh again!" Everyone gasps at her statement and looks nervously around. "Iracebeth, please. However would you stop people from laughing?" Queen Elsemere asks, looking at her oldest.

A lady from the crowd looks around, "Put a bag on her head." Everyone laughs at her statement and I ignore Alice's panicked tone as I walk forward, still in my white royal clothing, "That is quite enough. Even if her methods are quite angry, you shouldn't instigate anything. Be respectful to Princess Iracebeth, please." Everyone is silent as I talk, I turn to bow to younger Iracebeth, not realizing that this day was when she started becoming possessive of me. I didn't think anything would happen and only when I was standing by Alice, I realized what I did. Mirana smiled at me, gratefully as the King and Queen smiled at me in respect. Everyone starts laughing up again, ignoring what I said completely.

Iracebeth beams at me in possessive love and I grimaced at what I caused. Iracebeth frowns as looks at the crowd in anger, "Put a bag on your head! Put a bag on all of your heads! Yes! We'll sew up your lips, carve your tounges, cut off your ears, off with you! Off, off, off, off, off with their-" King Oleron stands up and cuts her off, "Iracebeth enough!" The king walks forward and Mirana looks distraught. "Iracebeth, I had always hoped that one day you would show the necessary qualities to become the queen you were born to be. I realize now that the day will never come." I tap my foot in anxiety about what is about to happen. The king faces forward to address the room, "People of Witzen. Upon my death, my crown will pass to Princess Mirana and Prince Adrian."

I go wide-eyed as Iracebeth looks distraught. Mirana stands up in a hurry, "Father, no." The king looks confused, "No? You do not wish to marry Prince Adrian?" I pout in fake sadness and Mirana backtracks, "No! I do want to marry Prince Adrian, but I can not take what is rightfully Racie's." Iracebeth looks furious, "That's not fair!" Everyone looks at Iracebeth and she continues, "I am the eldest! I deserve the crown and I deserve to have Prince Adrian!"

The king looks angry, "You are unfit to rule, Iracebeth, and I do not want Prince Adrian with someone who might hurt him." Mirana starts to tear up and Iracebeth looks at everyone in her family, "I hate you. I hate you all!" Everyone gasps as Iracebeth's face turns red and her head grows in size.

Iracebeth stomps off at a corridor, but stops and turns around to the Hightopps, "Oh, I shall not ever forget you, you sniggering Hightopps. Nom I shall wreak a terrible revenge! Vile." Iracebeth stomps off and Mirana steps up to reason with her, "Racie." Iracebeth turns around, "Don't "Racie" me. You started it." Iracebeth steps forward to whisper to Mirana and I can't hear her.

Mirana looks at me in distraught but eventually looks to the ground in shame. I don't know why she feels guilty about anything. Iracebeth sniffles and continues walking away, sobbing, "No one loves me!" The royal family runs after Iracebeth but gives me a small smile before disappearing from everyone's sight.

Alice and I watch the Hightopp family as Tarrant and his father quietly conversate. I watch Tarrant as he looks upset and he walks outside.

Alice and I chase after Hatter as he walks through the forest, "Hatter! Wait!" Tarrant looks at the ground, "I am no hatter." I frown, but let Alice talk to Tarrant. I zone out as I think about what I caused during the coronation. Did I just cause the exact event that Iracebeth decided to become obsessed with me? This explains why Mirana and Iracebeth weren't surprised to see me when I arrived with Alice three years ago. If this is the case, when did I come here before? And if I did come here before, where am I now? Did I forget that I came here? I gasp as I remember.


15-year-old Adrian stands behind a pillar watching the coronation of 15-year-old Iracebeth. "Put a bag on her head." Everyone laughs as Iracebeth looks angry. Young me grits my teeth at the disrespect of everyone. "That is quite enough. Even if her methods are quite angry, you shouldn't instigate anything. Be respectful to Princess Iracebeth, please."

Present Time

I gasp as I bring myself out of the flashback, now knowing that I've been here before. I had an adventure fourteen years ago, just like Alice. I catch up with Alice in time, only for her to run past me back into town. I grow confused and just run after her.

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