truth or dare

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a/n I know for a fact this has been done so many times but it's so fun to write ok

also this kind of links to the last oneshot: 'remembering the time they kissed at vidcon'

lastly I know this isn't good I just really wanted to write it ok

He picked a small piece of paper out of the cup.


Oh fuck, here we go.

'Spend 7 minutes in heaven with...,'

My body froze up, shock seeping through my facial expression.


Well shit.

Everyone's jaws dropped. I looked to my left to see that Tyler had started giggling.

I slapped him a little harder than what would be concerned as friendly; 'shut up Tyler!!'

I gave Connor a concerned look, 'Connor?'

He nodded.

I shifted past two or three people to get to the sofa he was sitting on. I whispered in his ear, 'we don't have to do this, you know?'

He looked at me with determination in his eyes. 'No, I want to.'

I closed my eyes, rested my forehead on his and smiled at him, not making eye contact but looking down. I concentrated on feeling his emotions, how he was kind of on edge but ready. He giggled nervously a little and I let out a soft breath which hit his lips. I leant forward. I felt his lips against mine and I immediately felt a tiny little spark, but I put it down to an electric shock or something. He was soft and cautious at first, but as we continued to kiss, we found a slow rhythm and he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking if we could deepen the kiss. Obviously, I accepted.

I heard faint whoops and cheers in the background, presumably from the other Youtubers, but I didn't pay attention. All of my senses were on full alert, feeling and watching Connor's every move, focussed on savouring the taste of him on my mouth, remembering what it feels like to be held by him, felt by him.

I moved my hand from his hips, up his chest, feeling every curve and muscle on his body. I moved further up until my hand was at the top of his chest, in the middle of his collar bones, I traced his left collarbone and moved my hand until it reached the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to me, desperate for any type of contact. I took my other hand, which I was using to lean on and placed it on his neck too, so I was cupping his face. I felt the kiss becoming lighter again, less tongues and more little baby kisses, again and again, so I went with my gut feeling and moved my hands quickly down his chest and around to his back, feeling his shoulder muscles as I dipped my head towards his neck, continuing the soft, baby kisses until I reached the base, where it connected with his shoulders and collarbones. I kissed this area more roughly and lapped at it with my tongue, sucking slightly, earning a small whine from Connor.

I stopped and sat up, looking into Connor's eyes. His pupils were wide and dark due to his arousal, his eyelids relaxed and hooded. I closed my eyes one more time and gave his the softest kiss I could muster, barely brushing his lips. The kiss was not passionate so much as kind and caring, showing him how much he meant to me. As I pulled away, I looked deep into his eyes, trying to make sense of what had just happened. In a way, that look sealed the deal. We both knew that that was not normal nor was it something forgettable.

Connor snapped out of his trance.

'Um, I need to pee.' He said quickly, looking down and running out of the door. I looked at my hands and smiled, knowing full well what that meant.

Tyler was the first one to speak up.

'Oh shit.'

I looked up to see everyone looking at me with shocked expressions. I grinned widely, not knowing what else to do.

Zoe spoke up next, still shocked.

'Troye, what the hell was that?'

She knew full well what that was and she was more than happy about it, her face radiating with joy.

I shrugged lightly and giggled.

I looked up at the ceiling, still dazed from what just happened. I fell backwards onto the sofa, pillows surrounding me.

'He's a good kisser, I guess.'

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