'boop boop'

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Troye relaxed into Connor's lap, falling backwards slightly so he was no longer sitting on Connor, but between his legs, their limbs intertwined with each other. He found Connor's forehead resting on his own, the two both looking down at their hands, playing with each others fingers and treasuring every line, every wrinkle on the other's skin. One of Connor's hands found its way onto Troye's thigh and with his two first fingers, he began to lazily walk his fingers up the taller boy's leg, reaching his hipbone and beginning to climb up his stomach. Connor hummed quietly, watching his hand travel further up the pale, unblemished skin. He reached Troye's left collarbone, tracing it. They both giggled slightly, remembering the time they kissed at VidCon. Connor looked up into Troye's eyes, straining a little, and broke the contact on their foreheads to make it easier to look at the boy's face. He glanced back to his fingers and continued to walk them up, reaching his neck and then his ear. He gently touched his earlobe before tracing Troye's defined jawbone all the way to his chin. He walked his fingers again, reaching his lips, which were slightly pink and a little swollen. He took a moment just to look at the younger boy's lips, taking in the curves and how they were slightly parted, the hot breath being gently exhaled just hitting Connor's fingers. Connor tapped his lips lightly from left to right, making a 'boop' sound every time he touched the delicate skin. Troye's eyes, which were closed, creased up a little as he gave the faintest of giggles and whispered: 'Connor, you're so lame. Why the hell do I like you.'

Connor continued to tap his lips, grinning at Troye's statement. He walked his fingers around to the right of Troye's face, onto his cheek and rested his fingers on Troye's faded birthmark. He moved his fingers away quickly to kiss the skin gently, showing Troye with all of his being just how much he cared for the pale boy whose angelic features were relaxed and filled with bliss of the most innocent sort. In that moment, Connor knew He brought his first finger up to tap the birthmark: 'boop', and continued walking his forefingers back around to his nose, where he tapped twice and whispered, 'boop boop'

Troye opened his eyes at this, grinning like crazy as he quirked his eyebrow up. 'really?'

Connor leant in and kissed him so softly it was barely even a touch.


He kissed him again and as he pulled away, he whispered into troye's ear, his hot breath reaching Troye's earlobe and making his breath hitch a little. 'Maybe really can be our always.'

Troye laughed and brought his hands up to grip Connor's chest. He pushed him back onto the mattress and fell after him, his head landing in the crook of Connor's shoulder and his hand on Connor's chest. He murmured into Connor's neck 'and there was me thinking that you could be romantic.'

He shook his head as he said 'So done with you, Connor Flanta.'

Connor smiled, proud of himself.

'You love me really.'

Troye looked up at Connor, pushing himself up a little so he could see Connor's face and Connor could see him. 'I do.'

a/n hi hey hello this is my first ever published one shot or writing of any sort, so i'd appreciate any feedback whatsoever, especially if it's (constructive) criticism

also i apologize if there are any spelling mistakes

thanks for reading i guess

ily(sb) ok i am trash bye

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