Chapter 2

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The name rang out, bouncing around her brain bringing with it the sound of her grandfather and the many stories he had told her throughout the years. She cradled her chin thoughtfully, repeating the name like a montra until she found the memory that rang out with a frightening clarity.

Although she couldn't remember the story word for word, she could remember the way her grandfather's voice trembled, and brow grew slick with sweat when he spoke the demon's name. "Ryomen Sukuna!?" the name came blurting out, unable to stop the horror that came out with it. "The shaman who became a demon?" That demon was undoubtedly Naraku's own inspiration, if the former was already known as 'King of Curses', Naraku would be the prince. But it was Sukuna that had succeed in becoming a demon unlike Naraku, Sukuna had terrorized the whole of Japan not only as a twisted human shaman but for centuries after as a demon.

"Demon?" He questioned, leaning down with an arched brow and inquisitive smirk. It was unnerving to say the least. How was it that he could see through her without looking at her? He shook his head with a humored huff. "I suppose you could call him that, but he isn't all that special." The smirk he gave her was brimming with confidence and self-assurance.

Kagome simply nodded before turning around and surveying the shrine. Luckily nothing was broken but there were a couple spots that would need repair as her arrows had struck several walls. Other than that Kagome could breathe a little easier as there weren't any more spirits- aside from the ones currently being eaten by the two 'divine dogs'.

Pushing back her bangs, Kagome grimaced at the pain. It may have only been three months but it was obvious she'd been getting rusty. A part of her had wanted to return to how things were before the Shikon No Tama, and yet right now in the afterglow of this fight she felt more alive than she had since returning.

"Gojo, I can't get the finger," Megumi calls, tearing Kagome away from her musing. "There's some kinda barrier that burns to the touch."

"Come on Megumi!~" Gojo proclaims loudly, slinking around the teen with his ever present grin. "You can't just go around poking around someone's property! That's rude!~" Even as he chastised the boy it came out in a joking manner.

"What do you want with the finger?" Her voice came out with a hiss, her distrust and skepticism obvious. Everything about this was ringing far too similar to the Shikon for her liking. The Shikon attracted demons seeking power, this finger seemed to attract spirits in much the same manner.

For once his grin fell, his face showing a far more genuine expression. "To keep them from hurting people."

Kagome swallowed thickly.


'That's right, Sukuna had four arms.' Her hand flexed around her bow. She again was made aware of the energy in her side, the blue-black energy lapping at her bruised flesh and possible bones. It was unnerving and yet it twined with her reiryoku, slowly mending the damage done in the fight.

"If you're taking the finger I'm coming with you." it came out instantly, and fiercely without room for argument.

He grinned.


Everything moved quickly after that. Her mother having nodded with a solemn smile, as if she knew without Kagome saying a word she would be leaving once again. Kagome didn't even stop to question her decision even as she was currently packing her yellow bag mere minutes after the silver haired man, Satoru Gojo, agreed. He was currently downstairs with his student Megumi Fushiguro, her mother undoubtedly making the two tea and asking if they would like to stay for dinner.

Her bag was packed quickly with the basic essentials along with a couple keepsakes. Beside it rested the black bow case she'd purchased a while back, inside were both her bow and quiver. Next she changed into more comfortable attire then her now ruined middle school uniform, not that she would be wearing it again as she was technically graduated. She just hadn't attended the closing ceremony.

She picked a simple black skort and shirt along with a sweatshirt, and then headed down stairs.

Dinner was filled with Gojo telling her family what she had agreed to, albeit a kinder version. Even kagome hadn't been 100% sure upon agreeing, only that it felt right.

She would be enrolled at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School; one of the only two jujutsu-education facilities in the country, but to the public it was a private religious school located in the countryside. And other than the very basics of learning how to use and control her powers, he didn't go into any greater detail even though they all knew it was more dangerous than what he was letting on.

After dinner Kagome gave a long goodbye to her mom, promising to call and come home when she had the time. Her brother seemed to be brimming with pride that was mirrored in her grandfather.

And just like that Kagome was off to start a new adventure.

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