Chapter 10

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Many leagues to the North of where the Leal rested, stood the island of Xirba, largest island on Maa and home to the castle of the King of Sails.

The fortress stood on the side of a mountain, one of a range that cut through the middle of the island, the peaks rising tall and proud to the clouds. Jagged they were, and rough, yet holding a majesty and might that drew the eye whenever one passed them by. Their sides were covered in verdant green and lush grasses and trees, leading up to the hard crags and cliffs of the mightiest crests and cliffs on the world of Maa. The range was known as the Sails of the Maker, and it was said that they could never be broken, whether by man or my nature, until the Maker created the worlds anew. Many had climbed those peaks, but none had ever returned.

The Castle of Sails itself stood tall and proud in its walled, many towered splendour, walls of white sparkling in the sun so it seemed at times a star rested upon the mountain to glimmer and shine for all to see. It's main gates were protected by a portcullis of silvery steel so strong it was said no ramming device could ever break it, and the gates themselves were several feet thick; further preventing entry from that point by destruction of those mighty deterrents. To wither side of the gate stood two high, mighty walls, fashioned to appear as the prow of proud ships with a tower at their peak. From those towers the Watch could see the curve of the world they were so tall, and even the mountains could not block the view, allowing any in the tower to see in any direction as they desired.

Thus was it said that no ship could approach the island unseen.

Within the walls, guarded and patrolled night and day, stands a strong citadel and keep, as well as they varied buildings and structures that are needed to run a castle; bakery, blacksmithy, stables, barracks and such. All surrounding a courtyard of well kept greenery dotted with flowers and gardens here and there. The gardens were lovely, and prosperous; some of flowers and some of produce.

And some of death.

Marring the beauty of the land within the castle were instruments of dark torment and wicked, macabre demise. Gallows and stocks, chopping blocks for executions stained with the blood of many, racks and confines with all manner of barb and blade contained within. All stood as monuments to death and darkness, wickedness and cruelty. Indeed, some of those that could be closed and secured bore imprisoned souls within, for their mournful cries and wails could be heard to any within the castle grounds. The cries were a gruesome counter to the beauty of the day; a song of agony that rose up against the soft tones of nature around them.

This was the garden the usurper King of Sails, Almakhadie, Lord of Deception, enjoyed most. He loved spending time amongst the instruments of torment. Often, as he passed among them, he would lovingly caress a device, or pause to stroke a coffin like device that contained the means of ghastly endings. If he passed one that was occupied, he woud pause in rapture to listen to the moans and cries, the whimpers and pleas from within, his eyes closed in rapture as a smile caressed his lips. Let others enjoy the foolish offerings of nature. Here was his delight. In death and lurid torment did he find the truest of beauty. For him, the ghastly, the horrific was his medium, and he was an avid artist of the form.

Even at this time, he was moving among his prizes, his beauties, with a beatific, peaceful and pleased smile on his face.

A man dressed in a fine tunice of scarlet under a richly brocaded vest of leather approached, bowing with a touch of nervousness to his king. Usurprer Almakhadie may be, but king he was, and a mercurial one at that; he was known to have someone kiled or tortured simply becuase he did not like how they were dressed. So, it was with no small trepidation that his Major Domo approached his king.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for this disturbance..."

The lean form, clad in blood red vest, blouse and leggings, all trimmed in gold, sighed, then turned to face the one who disturbed him with a frown upon his darkly handsome face. Clearly, the King was displeased to have his enjoyment disrupted.

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