Chapter 2 - The Reading of the Letter

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Chapter 6

"My Dear Jaryd,

I thank you for reading this letter. It is, in very real part, my confession of crimes long since committed. Some might say this is not necessary for, if you are reading this, the Midnight King has been defeated and I am dead. Some would say it is enough, that that is all one needs to know.

But I do not agree.

If a man is to be known, then let him fully be known in all parts; good and bad, light and dark. These make up a man, for no man is pure save the Maker; we are all a mix of both;good and bad, Ligh and Dark, and must choose everyday which side we shall serve. While I have sought to serve the Maker for many long centuries, there is the harsh truth that there came a time when I stepped away from the Maker's Light and allowed myself to be seduced by Darkness. Though it was brief, it was enough to cause devastation and destruction that haunted me for the rest of my life.

Many ages past, I was Reeva, a warrior of Sahira, Captain of the Gryphon warriors, and a hero of many battles between Sahira and the Wolf Riders, for we had yet to come to agreements and truces as we would in later times. I was counted as one to be admired and respected, and there was even talk of my achieving a seat in the Council of the Wise when I was of age for such a position. My future was sure, my position among my people strong.

I was a young man of restless mind, always seeking for new knowledge, new wisdom and new understanding of things. I sought learning of all things; sciences, medicines, building things, crafting, everywhere I could find knowledge I sought it, hungered for it, consumed it and claimed if for myself. My appetite was voracious and I felt I could never be satisfied, could never learn enough to feel I had attained all the knowledge there was to gain.

And then I met Derog.

He was of the Manor, though only Second-Born.

You must understand, Jaryd, Derog was Second-Born of the first family of the Manorborn. This was when the Manor first came to be, so far, far in the past of the worlds, back when your world was but newly formed. We of the worlds marveled that such a place existed, that such a people existed, and that the Maker had created such a place and given it, and all that came with it, to one family. The first Lord of the Manor, Lord Aadhan, was of great nobility and had proven himself a man of wisdom and understanding, as well as a warrior few dared face. He had faced the Darkness in several battles already, and been victorious. All held him in the highest of respect and his two sons, Abercio and Derog, were held in almost as much esteem as he. They were both of strong form and frame, and their hearts were for the Maker in all things.

Or so we all thought.

Derog was tall, finely formed, and a man who endeared himself to all with his generosity and care for those in need. He was a mighty warrior against the Darkness, and proved himself in battle after battle. He and his brother often fought side by side, their eagles soaring overhead. When the Sons of Aadhan were present all felt safe.

I was taken by Derog, amazed at his skill in war as well as his heart for others, and we became fast friends, great friends. He joined me in quests for knowledge and learning, and I delighted in showing him my latest discoveries. Over the years, our friendship grew and deepened. I trusted him with all my knowledge and secrets. We celebrated when I was made a Captain in the Vale Guard; the highest honour a Sahiran Gryphon rider could achieve. The Vale Gaurd stood watch over the few gates that led into the Vale of Wisdom, where Lusira, the Dragon of Light dwelt, and where the Sages gathered up knowledge from all the known worlds. My being a Captain allowed me entrance into this realm of knowledge, and I consumed all I could! Oh, what heady days those were!

But my hunger for knowledge became my undoing. I had received too many accolades, amassed too much popular goodwill, too much adoration, and I was full of vanity and pride. Of course, at the time, I did not realize this. I only know it now, looking back.

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