Chapter Five - Fate is a Bitch

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Authors Note: Hi loves. I'm so sorry. I know I haven't updated this story since late February but I've been really busy, I've been feeling pretty crapy lately, and I feel like no one likes this story. On my last chapter, I only got one vote. And that's just because it was one of my friends. So I haven't really felt like writing anything. I figured, what's the point? They probably just hate it anyways. The numbers just keep going down and down on each chapter I upload. I don't know, maybe I should just give up on this story. Honestly, I'm probably writing this for myself more then I am anyone else. Thanks for at least giving it a chance I guess.

Hayley's P.O.V.

After I went home and got my light blue priest car, I drove to work. As I drove, all I could think about was that Ross guy. Could he be Kieresy's boyfriend? What would be the odds of that?

I do admit that I was pretty rude to him. I mean, all he was doing was trying to help. I guess, I am so use to taking care of myself and pushing people away, it has just become part of my nature.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I did find him pretty attractive. I've always had a weird thing for blondes. Maybe it's because I have blonde hair. But just because I find him attractive doesn't mean I like him. He interests my eyes, not my heart nor mind. And plus, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again? Right? So it doesn't really matter.

I finally got to work. I wonder if there's any cases. I walked into the building, greeted the security guard, then walked over to the elevator. The elevator here didn't look anything like the one at my apartment building.

This elevator had a dark gray marble floor, a shiny, sliver back wall and two glass walls on each side. Expect, it wasn't transparent glass. And last but not least, the ceiling basically matched the floor. It was clean and classy. The elevator at my apartment building was more. . . lively, I guess you could say.

I clicked the very top level button. I felt the elevator start to move, after a few seconds, it landed on the top floor and the doors swiftly opened. As I stepped out of the elevator, I felt someone jump me and hug me tightly. I looked down to see one of my best friends, Manreet. I laughed softly. "What's with all the hugging?" I asked Manreet.

"Where have you been?" She asked me, getting right to the point. I sighed. "It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later. Do we have any cases?" Manreet looked at me before beginning to explain the "Mirror Man" case to me.

We walked and talked as I met up with everyone else. They all seemed relieved to see me. I felt relieved to see them too. They explained what has happened so far in the case and how they found this drawings of the Mirror Man in a collage apartment.

They also explained how they have the man who drew this pictures in custody. I looked through the pictures before I spoke up. "Let me talk to him." I told my team. They all looked at me then looked at each other before Greg spoke. "He's all yours." I smirked as I walked into the interrogation room. "Hi. Nelson, right? I'm Agent Hart but you can call me Hayley. I heard that you been in here for a while. Is there anything that you want? Some water, or some food?"

I know what you must be thinking, why in the world are you being so nice to this guy? It's like a trick to rail the guy in. It's just how you play the game. No response came from Nelson. I laid the Mirror Man drawings on the table. "This are really good. Where did you get the idea to draw these?" I asked him. It was silent for a minute.

"Why am I here?" Nelson asked. "I didn't do anything wrong." I took a seat in front of him. "Just tell me the deal on this Mirror Man guy." I told Nelson. He looked at me for a second before beginning to speak.

"He's just a character that I made up. I write stories about him on the internet." He paused for a minute. "I want to be an author." I think the pieces are starting to fall together.

"Did anyone take a. . . special liking to this character you made up?" I asked Nelson. "No." He told me but then I saw something hit him. I could tell from his facial expression. "Really? Are you sure?" I asked Nelson.

"Well, my roommate, Kevin, seemed to take a weird liking to it." He told me as he sat back in his chair. "And what is Kevin like?" I asked Nelson. "Does he keep mostly to himself? Does he mutter to himself a lot?" I asked Nelson.

"I don't know. . . Well, now that you mention it. . ." Nelson trailed off as he began to explain Kevin, which was the un-sub description to a T. My eyes widen. "And where can we find Kevin now?" I asked him.

"At his work. He works as a chaser at "Rachel's"." He told me. I stood up. "Thank you. You'll be released soon." I told him as I walked out and saw my team all standing there. Of course they knew what had happened. We knew what we had to do.


Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at "Rachel's". I spotted Kevin going to get on his bike. "There he is." I told my team as I pointed to Kevin. We all got out of the car. "Kevin Feldman! Put your hands up! Do it now!" I shouted.

He pulled a stapler gun out of his bag and ran for it. Me and my team ran after him. He grabbed a lady that looked to be about in her late 40's and held the nail gun up to her head. "Kevin, trust me, you don't want to do this." Out of nowhere people start crowding us, just then, there's this news van that comes. Where the heck did they come from?

I could tell having all this people around really aggravated Kevin. "Please, step down. You're aggravating him." As I said that, a reporter women started to film her camera and begun to take a report on this whole scene. What is wrong with this people?

I saw Kevin become more aggravated by this whole scene, he was about ready to pull the tiger on the stapler gun. "No!" I yelled as I had no choice but to shoot Kevin right in the chest. The 40 year old woman fall to the ground from shock, but she was not hurt by the ammo fired. Just another day on the job.


I just arrived home and all I want to do is take a warm shower and go to bed. It's been a long day. I hanged up my leather jacket and then scanned the house. "Dalton?!" I called out but got no reply back. Of course he's not home yet.

I walked upstairs, took a quick, warm shower, blow dried my hair, and then got changed into a long t-shirt as a nightgown. I was about ready to jump in bed when I heard my cellphone ring. Who in the heck could that be? I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Kiersey. I sighed as I answered my phone.

"Hi Kiersey." I said in a neutral tune. "Hey Hayley!" She replied back in her, way too peppy tune. "Why are you calling me, Kiersey?" I asked, getting right to the point.

"Well, me and my boo are passing through your neighborhood so I figured, why put off something tomorrow that can be done today?" Kieresy stated. "I understand Kiersey but I actually was just about to go to bed and-" Kiersey cut me off before I could finish. "It's too late, we are walking up to your door now." Kiersey told me.

About five seconds later, I heard the doorbell ring. I let out a big breath of air before lazily walking down the stairs and opening my front door. My body froze as I saw that it was none either then the Ross guy I had meet earlier today. "You." I said in a half shocked, half neutral tune.

"You." Ross said with a smirk plastered on his face. I looked down as I realized that I was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt as a nightgown. Can you say, awkward?


Authors Note: I am sorry for not updating in months but Summer is almost here so I should be writing a lot more soon. But I just need a minute to rant? Okay? "Dancing With The Stars" SPOILER ALERT! I can not believe that Riker and Allison came in second place on "Dancing With The Stars". That's so sad! I voted thirty times for them! No offense to Rumer and Val but I really wanted Riker and Allison to win! I'm disappointed in the show. I was really hoping Riker and Allison were going to win! Well, at least they got second place I guess. That's good too. But still! I don't care what that show had to say, to me, Riker and Allison did win! Who's with me!? END OF SPOILER ALERT!

Anyways, this probably would be the part where I tell you to vote, comment, and favorite but I know no one will so I guess there's really no point in asking. However, I do really want to know what you think of my new book cover. I made it myself. I'll try to write more soon I guess.

Till Next Time. . .
Goodbye my loves! ❤️✌️

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