Chapter Two - Taken Away & Troubles Back

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Authors Note: Hi everyone! I want to thank you guys for reading the first chapter of my first story! And I also want you to know that I changed my 'Wattpad' username. I changed it to, 'Ross_Lynchs_Juliet'. Just so you guys know. Enjoy chapter two!
Ross's P.O.V.

I was on a small private jet looking out the window with my acoustic guitar in my hands. I looked around the jet. The sits were a light tan color, the walls were a bleach white, there was dark brown tables you could fold in and out that was between everyone fourth seat. Two seats on one side, two sits on the other. You're probably wondering why I'm on a private jet. Will, I insisted that we could have just took a regular flight but my girlfriend, Kiersey refused, so she made her rich little daddy get her a private jet.
We are flying out to Los Angles because Kiersey wants to try her hand at fashion at some company she got into because her dad payed them, and she also wanted to see an old friend of hers. Now what was her name? Kyle? Cayley? Oh, oh well. I'll find out soon enough.
I started humming a little to myself until I picked up a ton and started to play a soft melody on my tanned acoustic guitar. Music always helps pass the time. I kept playing it until my girlfriend walked in.
"Baby, stop playing that noise. You're giving me a headache." And with that, I stopped strumming my fingers on the strings. "Anyways, we should be landing soon. I told, Hayley," Oh so that's her name. "That we could be there sometime tomorrow after we get all settled in our hotel." And by hotel, she means a penthouse that her dad got her. I know, she's a spoiled little rich girl but that's not why I love her. I love her for her beauty and her humor. Just as I finished my thought, I felt the jet land.

Hayley's P.O.V.

I got a text from Kiersey saying that she would be over tomorrow some time. She got here early the morning with her boyfriend but they want to get all settled in first. Now what was her boyfriends name? Riker? Rocky? Ryland? Oh I don't know. I'll find out soon enough. I let out a sigh. I saw Dalton when I woke up the morning, but I only saw him for about five seconds and then he hurried out the door to get to work.

~ Flashback ~
I woke up the morning with a fright. I heard a bunch of noise coming from the kitchen. I looked out the window to see a blanket of light shinning through it. I winced my eyes. The sunlight hurt my eyes because I had just woken up. I heard more clutter which caused me to get a slight headache. I sighed, got up, and headed downstairs.
As I made my way into the kitchen I saw Dalton doing, who's knew what in the kitchen. Dalton was dressed in black dress pants, black dress shoes, black dress coat, a white buttoned down shirt, all tied together with a blue, long tie hanging from his neck. Man, I swear, all he owns is suits. He never bothers to be casual, just wearing some faded jeans and a t-shirt.
"Dalton, what are you doing?" I asked still trying to wake up. It's like he didn't care that he woke me up. "Where's my cereal?" He asked me getting right to the point. I looked around at the kitchen. It was now messy since Dalton had looked in every place of the kitchen expect the place where the cereal was.
I walked over to a high brown cabinet where the cereal was and handed it to Dalton. There was no thank you he just shook his head. "No, it's too late now. I'll just take an apple for the way." So I got out the cereal for nothing. He grabbed an apple and then looked at me and studied me closely. "Hayley, your eyes have dark circles under them. Meat want to put some makeup on for that. You look like a walking zombie." Geez, that was sure sweet of him to say. Note my sarcasm. And then just like that, he left.
~ End of Flashback ~

I sighed and looked down on the coffee table, that's when I noticed that Dalton forgot his brief case. Will, looks like Dalton will be back later when he realizes he forgot his brief case. I picked up my phone. The case had light pink roses all over it. I swiped the screen and entered my four digit password.

Just as I was about to click on one of my games, I got a text message from Gregg. The text read out, 'Hi.' I texted, 'Hi.' Back. I heard a banging noise. I looked around. "Dalton is that you?" I asked as I slowly set my phone down on the coffee table and got up from my couch to look around. Just then I felt someone sneak up from behind me and warp their hand around my mouth. I stared to feel dizzy, the room was spinning and the world was becoming darker. The last thing I remember is the person slowly dragging me away.
I slowly opened my eyes, everything was blurry but I could still tell what was happening. After a while of feeling myself being dragged from my living room, out my front door, across a black granite road, I felt myself being thrown into a big black van. Getting dragged across the floor and thrown across the back of van did leave some scraps. I looked around and saw that the whole back of the van was black. From the ceiling, down to the floor. And a mosquito looking, old, brown and green square blanket was scattered across the floor of the van.
What the heck is going on? Why take me? Are they planning on doing something to me? I have solved a lot of cases like this, but I have never been a part of one. One things for sure though, if they are holding anyone else captive I'm going to get them out of this whole thing and back to their family and their regular live; even if I die doing so.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Back at the house, Hayley's phone buzzed again and a new message lit up the screen. It was from Gregg. The text read out, 'Are you still there?' And then just like that, the phone was dark again underneath the dark brown coffee table where Hayley had left it.

Kiersey's P.O.V.

We were about to land so I pulled out my iPhone 7. That's right iPhone 7. They aren't suppose to come out until next fall but my daddy got it for me. "Only the best for daddy's little princess." My daddy always says. After all, I do deserve it because I'm amazing.
Just ask Ross. I know he warships the ground I walk on. And why wouldn't he, I mine look at me, I'm amazing. Plus Ross is kind of hot even know he has bleach blonde hair and I've always be more attached to brunettes. I think Ross and me just have this spark you know?
Anyway, my case was sparkly hot pink, so me. I swiped my phone to the left and entered my four digit password which is one, two, three, four. Smart right? No one will ever guess that. I'm such a genius. I went through my contacts and scrolled down until I found 'Hayley' I clicked on her name and called her to let her know we are about ready to land.
It rang and rang until her voicemail picked up. "Hi this is Hayley. Sorry I wasn't able to answer your call. If you leave me a message I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you." Her voicemail is so cliché. You should hear my voicemail, I do this whole song number. Gosh, I'm talented.
"Peep" I heard the little peep which means I can leave a message. "Hey Hayley, it's Kiersey. I just wanted to let you know we have almost landed so we should see you some time tomorrow. Okay, doll see you soon." I hanged up just as the jet landed.
"Hey Rossy, can you grab my bags for me. Thanks baby." I got off the plan and waited for Ross. Ugh, he's so slow. It shouldn't take him that long to get my bags, I only have like six. Four big ones and two small ones. Ross only brought two bags. One big one and one small one. How is he going to survive? Finally here he comes struggling with the bags. I swear sometimes he's so weak.
"Thanks baby. Let's go to the hotel now and you can just put the bags in the back of the limo." That's right a long, hot pink limo. I wouldn't be caught died in anything else.
Here comes my boo now. I slid onto his lap and started kissing him until he stopped me. "Not here." He told me in a serious tone. I pouted with my hot, dark chocolate eyes. "Why not boo?" I asked in a pouty, hot voice if I do say so myself. "Just not now." He told me. I rolled me eyes and got off his lap. Sometimes he can be no fun.
Authors Note: Please don't forget to comment - comment your favorite part, comment what you want to see happen in the story or just comment. Also please vote for this chapter/story if you are liking it so far. Also, can someone please tell me how I can make the letters bold? And I'll try to write the next chapter soon.
Till Next Time. . .
Goodbye My Loves! ツ 😘 ❤️ ♡

Got My Heart Locked Up (Ross Lynch X Original Character) [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang