2/3/2023- First Sem Near End

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February 3, 2023

   Our first semester comes to an end.

 Well, almost...like... we just finished checking our exams.

Guess how much I got in GenMath.

Compared to the first quarter, I got 45/50 back then, but this second quarter , I got 32/50.

Wow. Just wow.

Anyways, it wasn't really a major subject in my strand but I have to admit, it's a little disappointing. Even my teacher had "that" look on her face. I won't lie either on the note that I guessed most of my answers. The test was pretty hard. Like how would I know how much Pedro would loan or which is the right price using i^m and j. And the reason definitely was not the fact that I was away for a week because of School journalism 'rigid training', where the school paper adviser (kinda') promised that we would be exempted in any quiz or test for the whole entire week.

(which mind you, never happened. We, journalists, went back the next week with a bunch of topics in our hands and stubborn teachers who 'really doesn't want to exempt you even if you had a harder time than the other students who participated in other events. And oh, they even make you feel 'guilty' for asking an exemption and tells you to do better.)   >:(

Yeah, do better in thinking of self m0rder (sarcastic)

Anyways, moving on, we had that one time where we had to sacrifice our weekends for 3 weeks straight because of school tasks. And here I thought it was illegal to give homework during weekends since it was a thing in my third year high school.

(wow, there's a lot to tell)

Another, in my First year, I had a huge crush on this genius guy, attractive and intelligent. Literal brains and brawns. Not until I was in second year, when my seniors knew about it and literally made it into a dog show during our trip to Claveria for DSPC. (I was also scolded for someone else's actions by that time but I'd rather not talk about it) I want to punch myself for not being even more careful about my personal feelings and instincts.

(Bwiset, hirap mag-english)

And now, for the main day, we had three visitors to endorse schools, for us to enroll into once we enter college. Didi like their way of presentation? No, not really. They could have been more professional at it. But then again, I still put "unbelievable" scores in their presentation survey so it's cool.

not really

After all that, I became a little disappointed with my friend because she has been getting 'too' far with me lately, ever since she had been dating someone from our class. Her attitude downgraded.

The entire class was loud during the afternoon. I had to isolate myself outside, close to the door to the bathroom. It was more peaceful.

But I have to admit, it was pretty lonely. I had no one to talk to.

And when I got home, I got in trouble for forgetting where I put our 2x2 picture which mom gave us literally just three days ago. She vented her anger up until the police station for a pension update.

P.S  I stayed calm because I had to leave a good impression to the policemen and  police department. I'm planning on taking BSCRIM a.k.a becoming a policewoman myself. I learned this during our  three-day career guidance

Good thing I did not let MOM's negative comments on my ONE mistake, be taken into a future problem, or else it would be really hard for me.

update, it's 8:45 pm , I'm REALLYYYY tired rn so, I'll tr to give more updates tomorrow.

Diary of a Burnt Out KidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora