I returned to Mike. He was leaning against the wall next to the office doors. He smiled in relief when he saw me.

"That didn't take long. What did they say to you?"

"Things they had no business asking." I opened the door and waved my hand through. "Shall we?"

"Are you all right? You look upset. I kind of prefer you freaking out over my decision to be here." He chuckles uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry." I sigh to expel some anger. "I'm fine. Let's just get this day over with."

We walked through the door and inside at the desk sat Ms. Cope. Her eyes lit up. "Oh, Mike! I'm so happy to see you!" She rounded the counter to give him a sweet hug. "I'm so sorry about Jessica, dear. Where have you been? Your parents haven't been answering our calls."

He looked over her at me with panicked eyes. "I..."

I took her arm lightly, turning her to me and staring deeply into her irises. "Ms. Cope, calm down. The important thing is that Mike is okay. I'm sure he's plenty overwhelmed as it is, and doesn't need to be bombarded with questions, now does he?"

She slumped over her shoulders, tranquility taking over. "Of course. It's such a relief to have him back." Her gaze passes between us a few times. "You have any problems today, Mike, you come tell me. I'll make sure your transition back in class is seamless."

"Thank you, Ms. Cope," he said gratefully.

"I'm sure your teachers will be happy you're here. Try to have a good day, and take it easy. You, too, dear," she directed at me. I nodded my appreciation.

"Do you want some company? In case people crowd you?" I offered sincerely once we got into the hall. It was quiet around us. "I wouldn't mind."

He grinned. "I think I'll be okay. You won't be far if anything happens, right?"

"Right," I promised. "You remember what I taught you? If you feel like your control is slipping, you turn around and walk away. Don't run, don't panic. Just walk away calmly."

"Calmly. Got it."

I squeezed his hand. "I'll see you at lunch."

He nodded before we parted ways. I watched him disappear down the hall and around the corner then retreated to my own classroom.

I entered building three and opened the door to Mr. Mason's classroom. His teaching voice halted when he saw me, his tone now annoyed. "Miss Vincent. I was unaware you were still in this class."

Eric Yorkie, Mike and Ben's friend, was sitting in a desk near me. His expression was unreadable.

I walked up to Mr. Mason's desk. He was sitting on the edge of it, reaching back to rifle through papers, probably looking for the attendance sheet. "In the two weeks since you've been a student here, this is the... third time you've attended class. To what do I owe the pleasure on this fine day?"

He crossed his arms, very alpha-male like. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

I was all too aware of the sixteen children in the room with us, eyes unwavering.

"Let's just hope it was worth it." I smiled sweetly.

The class erupted in quiet oohs and laughter.

"Excuse me?" He leaned off his desk, taking a step toward me.

I lowered my voice. "Just do your job and pretend I'm like any other student here," I compelled him, then went to a desk in the back to sit.

Something similar like that happened in my next three classes. Nothing I couldn't handle.

Occasionally, I would perform a spell to see through Mike's eyes, to make sure everything was okay.

Swan Diaries (crossover between Twilight and The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now