𝐱. 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

Start from the beginning

"Can I?" She turned to look up at her mom, who smiled as she nodded her head.

"Of course." With that the little girl pushed herself up and made her way towards the rv, being careful not to get in anyone's way. "She wouldn't go to the rv for me." Carol stated, looking over at the brunette who was holding her shoulder.

"She has a way with kids." Lori added, smiling at the girl who smiled in return before her face twisted in pain as she tried to roll her shoulder a little bit. She had seen the bruise on the girl's arm, and the dried blood since she was wearing a tanktop. "What exactly happened in Atlanta?"

"Uh, got a bit of road rash." She told her, which wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. "Tripped over a sandbag, not a big deal."

"All this-" Lori waved her hand towards the girl – her eyes on her busted lip and bruised cheek. "-was from a fall?"

"What can I say, I never do anything half assed." She smiled, but soon regretted it as her lip twinged with pain. Then she looked over at Shane, who had yet to take his eyes off of her. "What, Bubba?"

"You look like hell." He sighed, running his hand over his hair. "What really happened?"

"I told you. I fell." She told him, leaning back with her left arm stretched out behind her to hold her up, she winced as she moved but before anyone could ask Rick walked over, his eyes on Andrea who had yet to move from her sister's side all night.

"She still won't move?"

"She won't even talk to us." Lori told him. "She's been there all night. What do we do?"

"We can't just leave Amy like that." Shane stated. "We need to deal with it. Same as the others."

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick turned to walk away.

"She knows how it is." Charlie stopped him. "She just lost her sister, give her time to grieve."

"We don't have time." Rick mumbled before walking away, making his way towards the two blondes, he bent down and Andrea turned, her gun raised towards him.

"Should've left her alone." Charlie mumbled mostly to herself as the man backed away from the woman before he joined the others again.

"Y'all can't be serious." Daryl huffed as he walked over, the pickaxe on his shoulder. "Gonna let that girl hamstring us? That dead girl's a ticking time bomb."

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked him.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

"No." Lori huffed. "For God's sake, let her be."

"Making her do anything, or shooting Amy, will only make it worse." Charlie added, her eyes narrowed up at Daryl who scoffed as he turned and walked away from them. He made his way over to help Morales with one of the bodies, they started pulling it towards the fire where they were burning the walkers.

"We don't burn them!" Glenn shouted, clearly upset and Charlie looked over to see Mason making his easy towards them. "We bury them." When Daryl nor Morales moved so Mason stepped forward, his blue eyes narrowed.

"We bury our people." Mason repeated and Daryl looked over at the boy before sharing a look with Morales then they leaned down and lifted the body before dragging over to the row they had started for their own.

"Thanks." Glenn mumbled, looking at the boy who nodded and patted his back before he made his way over to Josh who was dragging a dead walker up the hill.

"I gotta ya, man." He leaned down and grabbed its feet before helping the Mexican boy toss it onto the fire.

"Y'all left my brother for dead!" Daryl shouted. "You had this coming!" He huffed and Charlie rolled her eyes.

༘ ⊹ ࣪ ˖𐙚❙ 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓. the walking dead₁Where stories live. Discover now