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"Hey Man-" Ryan was about to greet the girl on her phone until she stopped with her jaw dropped.

"Hey Ryan, you okay?" Normani tilted her head to side slightly in confusion and it didn't help, it just confirmed Ryan's observation.

"Is that a hickey?!" Ryan whispered yelled inspecting the mark and Normani instantly blushes.

"Wha- oh my god." Normani feels the mark on her neck and Ryan gasped loudly.

"YOU AND-" She squeaked and Normani covered her mouth.

"Shh, okay wait lemme explain." Normani removed her hand.

It was a brief moment of silence as Ryan held a shocked face.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Ryan squealed catching the class' attention.

"Please, Ms. Irons keep it down." The teacher instructed and Ryan blushed.

"Sorry sorry." Ryan sat Normani and her down and Normani let out a small sigh.

"Hey y'all." Yara greeted and Ryan waved at her with a smile.

"Drop the dets!" Ryan huffed.

"Okay, so I went over to her house-" Normani started and Ryan cuts her off.

"You-" Ryan leaned back and Normani immediately cuts her off.

"Let me finish." Normani warned and Ryan put up her hands in defense.

"Right go on." Ryan ushered and Normani rolled her eyes.

"I went to her house and met her grandma. Then I cooked them food because I had nothing better to do. Her house is really clean too. Anyways since I can see you getting impatience. I was ignoring her for most of the night because I heard her talking to Camila-" Normani began explaining.

"From the party?" Ryan's eyebrows rose.

"Yes, I don't know if she was trying to hide the fact that she was talking to her but whatever. Skipping to morning, I ended up meeting her mom and they looked like twins. Her mom seems like a very goofy person though. But after meeting her, she wanted to "talk" but ended up making out until you called about...punk." Normani hinted and Ryan squinted her eyes.

"Punk?" Ryan questioned.

"PUNK." Normani signed.

"Oh, punk." Ryan nodded in understanding.

"Who's punk?" Yara wondered and they gave her an innocent smile.

"Right continuing on, while on the phone, Dinah was impatient..." Normani trailed off and Ryan squinted her eyes.

"Y'all had sex while I was on the phone?" Ryan asked and Normani shook her head

"No girl." Normani objected and Ryan crossed her arms.

"Oh then continue." Ryan gestured.

"After you hung up, we had another makeout session and Dinah took it further. Then one thing led to another and she...fingered me." Normani signed the last part causing Ryan to shoot out of her seat.

"OH!" Ryan place a hand over her mouth catching the class' attention once again.

It wasn't hard to decipher the last part because Yara face was really red.

"Ms. Irons." The teacher warned.

"I'm so sorry." Ryan sat back down as soon as the bell rings.

After the day ended. Keith came up to Yara and Ryan who was chatting about the difference their families are for the holidays.

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