• meeting

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The first time you had the courtesy of meeting Ishigami Senku, he had zapped you with his newly invented taser.

You did ended up beating him up and breaking his arm in retaliation, though.

Although, it wasn't your fault at all. The little brat had ended up messing up most of the grass of your pet turtle, Haru's favourite park, and you just called him out for that; by kicking his invention. Of course, he's the one who zapped you first, so when you did break his arm while beating the absolute shit out of him, you didn't hesitate to tell that to his father, who was running around in worry like a headless chicken.

You were quick to point a finger at the injured kid lying on the ground before beginning, "My uncle says An eye for an eye​​​​so it's only fair!"

Luckily, or unluckily for you, your uncle decided to bring the precocious little brat to a hospital and your victory was short lived when he grounded you.

The second time you met him, was pure coincidence. You were minding your own business in school when your teacher began screaming bloody murder at you, accusing you of breaking the window of the principal's office. You couldn't help but be offended at that.

How can she baselessly accuse you of something?! Sure, you're the one who did it, but that doesn't mean that she should just rush to you whenever something bad happens. What if someone else had done it instead?!

So you decided to book it.

As you ran out the school with all your might, your teacher sped behind you like fucking Teke Teke, and you're sure you saw your dead mother wave at you from the afterlife.

In midst of you running for your life, you barely noticed a scooter closing in on you. Only when the riders screamed, did you turn your head in its direction.

Those assholes ran you over.

As they parked just a bit closer, you saw them turn their head in horror. One of them looked familiar to you, but you really couldn't remember.

The two boys who seemed about your age, were minutes away from falling on their knees and begging for forgiveness from God himself.

"S-S-S-Senku!!! What are we going to do?!" A brunette cried and the said boy, Senku, was busy panicking internally as well as externally, "Calm down... Calm down... Let's just build a time machine!!"

"Are you sure that we can do it?!" The brunette yelled again and the other boy was beginning to sweat buckets, "It's either that, or jail!! And I'm not going to jail at the age of 9!!"

They stopped for a moment to peer at you, only to realise that there really wasn't any blood, "Hey, big oaf... There's no blood, maybe she's okay!"

As soon as he tried to shake you by the shoulder, the blood you knew that was pooling under your arm began to ooze out, making the boy turn pale. He quickly dashed, grabbing his friend and scurrying to the scooter.

"Forget the time machine, let's get outta here! This isn't exhilarating at all, not one millimeter!!" Just when he pressed on the gas pedal, he couldn't feel the scooter move at all, "Huh? Hey, big oaf... Did you put on some weight?"

"Don't you think it's cowardly that you're running away after hitting a girl?" You rasped while holding onto their scooter by the back.

"In this country, we don't call people who can stop scooters with one hand girls," he turned over to glare at you, "-we call them mountain gorillas."

His horror turned into absolute rage once he saw your face, "You!!" He couldn't help the sneer that left his lips while you still held onto the scooter, the poor brunette known as Taiju was still confused as to what was happening.

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