𝖝𝖝. 𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖇𝖞 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊

Start from the beginning

"What did I miss?" Hades whispers to Persephone, who rests her cheek in her palm.

"Nothing much. Just Bianca bringing up the Rave'N... again." Persephone sighs, turning her head to look at Hades. "Not interested in joining the decorating committee?"

Hades lets out a sarcastic laugh. "No way in hell."

"Hades Addams." Persephone gasps teasingly. "You surprise me. I thought that was your thing." Hades sends her a deadpan look, showing that he is not impressed, which makes Persephone laugh. "I know. Big, bad Hades Addams wouldn't be caught dead at an optional school function." Hades detects a hint of disappointment in her teasing tone.

Persephone has never really had the desire to go to the Rave'N, but this year is different. She has someone she would like to go with. But that person happens to be the least likely person to go to a school dance.

Hades stutters over his next words. "I... I didn't say that." He looks down bashfully, scratching the back of his neck. "Are you going?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe if I went with someone but..." She shrugs, fiddling with her fingers.

"Has anyone asked you?" Hades questions, panicking at the thought of her going with someone else.

"No." He sighs in relief at the answer. He would've been fine with breaking a few bones of anyone who dared to ask her.

"You surprise me." He murmurs back, making her look up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Are you copying me?"

"Maybe... Ow!"

◇ ◇ ◇

"Oh my god! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N. My whole world is tilted!" Enid shrieks, jumping up and down.

"Wednesday, are you feeling okay? Are you coming down with something? Blink once if you need help." Persephone interrogates, worried that Wednesday is either ill or being made to do something against her will. Asking Xavier to the Rave'N was a very un-Wednesday thing to do.

"Never mind that! You know what you need now?"

"A bullet to the head?" Wednesday asks.

"A new identity?" Persephone suggests.

"A dress." Enid exclaims like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I already have one." Enid's face falls at that reply.

She shakes her head fearfully. "Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, Persephone, back me up here." Persephone throws her hands up in surrender and walks away, not wanting to be caught in the middle of the two. Thing responds with a short thumbs up. "You need something that screams, 'First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!' And I know just the place."

"You guys have fun." Persephone smiles genuinely at the two, heading up to her loft.

"Oh no you don't." Enid shouts, bounding over to the girl. "You're not getting out of this again. You've missed it every year. I've decided, you're going!" She declares, pulling the girl down by her blazer sleeve.

"Please don't make me." Persephone whines. "Wednesday, a little help?"

Wednesday crosses her arms over her chest. "If I have to endure this torture, so do you."

"You Addams are no help." Persephone grumbles, pouting to herself.

"Speaking of Addams, you'll have to get Hades to match colour schemes with you." Enid perks up, holding her friend by the arms so she can't escape.

"Wha- I don't know what you're talking about. Who said I was going with Hades?" Persephone falters.

"Oh, come on. Everyone knows the two of you are literally made for each other." Enid looks to Wednesday and Thing to back her up.

"He's been threatening all the boys not to ask you to the dance." Wednesday reveals, emotionlessly as always. Persephone stares wide eyed. She didn't know that he had done that.

"Why hasn't he asked me then?" She counters, trying to make up excuses.

"He's waiting for the right moment." Wednesday explains. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Oh look, the right moment has arrived." Enid squeals and pushes a stunned Persephone to the door, opening it for her. There, on the other side, stands a very nervous Hades.

"I- I didn't know your roommates would still be here." He mumbles, hinting at his sister to get out.

Enid grabs Wednesday by the arm and drags her outside. "We'll wait for you down the hall. Let's go, Wednesday." They have nearly disappeared from sight when Enid's head pops back in. "Thing! You too!" Thing sulks before scurrying out the room as well.

Now alone with Persephone, Hades has forgotten everything he was going to say. He only manages to force out a pathetic, "Hi."

"Hi." Persephone whispers back, still not sure what was happening.

"I had a whole speech planned out..." He lets out a laugh as he scratches the back of his head.

"Hey," She reaches out a hand to hold one of his. "You don't have to be nervous around me." She remembers when he said that to her after she had given him the bouquet of flowers. Never in a million years did she imagine she would have to remind him of his own words.

Hades smiles at her. "I just... Ever since I met you, you have consumed my thoughts, my being, my... everything. Everything is better with you. Everything has been better since you. You caught me by surprise. And you still do. You make me feel things I never thought I could feel. You make me happy." Persephone's eyes shine up at him, filling him with all the confidence he needs. "I hope I can do the same for you. So, will you do me the honour of attending the Rave'N with me?"

As he asks the question, he brings his hand out from behind his back to reveal a single red rose. The same rose from the flower shop in Jericho. Karyn was not very pleased to see the boy back on her premises but it's surprising what threatening someone with a knife can get you.

"I'd love to go with you." Persephone blurts out, running into his arms. Hades rocks the two back and forth in their hug, placing an affectionate kiss to the top of her head. Persephone whispers in his ear, "Hades Addams, you surprise me." They didn't know how long they had been in the embrace when Enid popped her head round the corner.

"So sorry to interrupt but I'll be needing to steal Persephone from you." Enid smiles at her blushing friend. "We need to go dress shopping."


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