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Few days have passed since they officially started dating. Things have been going smoothly, but Lisa had a fear inside which is her parents. Even though she's rich and has everything she wants her parents are strict about something that is about guys.

They expect her to date a guy who's in the same level and status as her, she knew that her parents would not allow her to date Jungkook who is not rich as her but she cannot do anything about it as she deeply loves him. So she hid this from her parents.

"Umm babe, why do u look so dull all of a sudden?" Jungkook asked his girlfriend who seemed to be lost in her thoughts. 

"Nothing babe, just tired." she smiled slowly. 

"I told you not to work hard didn't I?" he caressed her face softly. 

While they were walking Lisa time to time turned back as she felt like someone was following her. Jungkook did notice it and asked her what's wrong but she just denied it by saying nothing. 

"Umm babe, actually I just remembered that I have to go somewhere urgently. Would you mind if I come with you tomorrow?" she politely asked. 

"No problem baby, take care, drink a lot of water OK?" Jungkook kissed her forehead. 

"thanks bee! you go first, I want to watch my handsome man go." she cheered, making Jungkook blush. 

"if that's what you want.. Then ok." he smiled and started walking away until Lisa could not see him anymore. 

After seeing Jungkook disappear, Lisa's expression changed into a mad one. She turned around and looked as if she's trying to find someone. 

"Come out now, I know you're here, you've been following me around and you think I haven't noticed that?" she yelled then suddenly a tall figure appeared in front of her. 

??"My Lady you're just as smart as I thought"??

He slowly approached her. 

"Don't you have any other better job to do than spying on me? Charles??" she questioned the man in front of her who was none other than her dad's personal assistant. 

"Come on m'lady, I'm just following Master's order." he bowed.

"Aaahh don't tell me my father got the information already?" she was annoyed. 

"You're right Milady, he was suspicious of your actions that's why he sent me to look after you. And he also asked you to come back to our mansion for a talk." he politely said. 

"Aarhh great. How can something get worse than this? Fine let's go." she led the way followed by Charles. 

Few minutes later they reached her parents' mansion which was bigger than hers and walked straight inside without saying anything. When she entered the hallway she saw her parents sitting and waiting for her. 

"Oh there you are my darling, come-come have a seat." her mom who seemed waiting for her welcomed her with a pleasant smile. 

"Hey mom, how are you?" She sat down and greeted her mom. 

"I'm fine dear, you look so lean. What happened? Have you been eating?" She was worried about her daughter's health.

"Mom, I'm fine. Let's get straight into the point." she said while looking at her father who was sipping on some tea. 

"Dad, why did you send Charles to spy on me?" she got straight into the point. 

"It's because you've been acting suspicious and I kinda had a track on what's going on. I just wanted to make sure that I'm right and as always I was right. Now why are you dating that boy Jungkook? Don't you know the rules of this house?" he questioned her. 

"Dad, can you be reasonable for one time? Why can't you let me be happy? Status, money and rules are what you care about? Rules are meant to be broken. You're always invading my privacy" she spoke back in a stern tone. 

"Lisa, you think I don't care about you? I want you to have a comfortable and happy life, you can't deny the fact that money does bring happiness into our lives and the other half of yours should be wealthy so that you can live a happy and healthy life. You think some poor man can magically bring happiness into your life? OK let's say yes then what about his family? Huh? He's an orphan. You're dating an orphan Lisa. Did he tell you the truth or not?" Lisa's father angrily replied. 

"Dad, can you please stop? I know what's going on and how life works. Yes money does bring happiness but aren't we rich enough? We have loads and loads of money ourselves. I can bring happiness by myself, I have enough money to run a family. And yes I know everything about him, crystal clear. I chose to love him for who he was not for his money, background or anything else." She was so close to crying. 

"Dad, can I say something? We might be rich but our generation worked hard for us so that we are living like this. One of them might not be as rich as us but they made us rich by working hard and succeeding. Do you think me or you worked hard for all this?" she pointed at her parents luxurious house and things. 

Lisa's parents went completely silent after that. Lisa finally cried as it was hard for her, she might be rich but it has always been hard for her. She didn't want a perfect life, she wanted a simple life that's all. 

"And please don't ever call me if you want to humiliate my choices. I'm sure one day or another I'll prove you guys wrong and I'll make you accept him, until then I won't come back." with teary eyes and a heavy heart she left from there leaving her parents devastated. 

She saw Charles enter the hall. She just ignored him and went to her car and started driving back to her mansion. She needed someone to talk with but she knew everyone would be busy with work, she really wanted to talk with Jungkook but she just can't tell him the reason.


Sooooo what do you guys think about this chapter??? Leave your comments down below 👇 thanks! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Have a great day !!

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