Recess: Schools Out PT 2

Start from the beginning

"Your in T.J.'s back yard man." Vince says.

"How'd you guys get me here.. hey this is kind of comfy." Mikey says as he realizes he is in a wheel barrel.

"Yea yea get outta there you big lummox." Spinelli says as she pushes the barrel over.

"Ok T.J. you were right. Something weird is going on in he school and Prickly must be in on it." Vince says.

"I say we go to the police." Gus says.

"Yea we should get authorities to help us." Alexis says.

"I already went to the police. I went to everyone. Nobody listen." T.J. says.

"What we need is proof." Gretchen says.

"Proof? How we gonna get proof?" Vince asks.

"I got a plan. A stake out." T.J. says.

"A stake out?" Vince asks.

"Yea we can stay up in my tree house every night until something happens." T.J. says.

"Like one of them tv cop shows." Spinelli says.

"Sure and the next time those guys make a move we'll catch them red handed." T.J. says.

"We can take pictures with my night vision digital cam." Gretchen says.

"Then we call in the feds and bang we got them." Gus says.

"Only one problem. What about camp?" Vince asks.

"Oh yea. If my dad finds out I've gone awall he'll throw me in the brig till September." Gus says.

"Not to worry. All I gotta do is get Becky to drive you guys back to camp in the morning and at night we'll pick you up again. You'll be campers by day spies by night." T.J. says.

"But what if the camp counselors notice we're not there?" Gus asks.

"Leave that to me." T.J. says.


Shortly after making sure the others wont get in trouble the gang starts spying on the school in the treehouse while waiting on T.J.

"Infrared night vision. Two hundred to two hundred zoom. I gotta hand it to you Gretch you can see the whole school with this thing." Vince says.

"Oh you can make lots of handy things out of the spare parts in a family's garage. Why I once fashioned a particle accelerator out of a broken hair dryer and a four slice toaster oven." Gretchen says.

"Tonight the moment arrived. We met behind the drive through menu and kissed passionately as the sound of the deep at fryer faded into the night. Man I wish I had a older sister." Spinelli says as she and Gus laugh while Spinelli reads Becky's diary.

"Laugh if you will I think it's beautiful." Mikey says as T.J. arrives.

"Sorry I'm late guys but I had to wait till my mom and dad fell asleep before I could sneak out with the goodies." T.J. says holding a backpack full of food.

"Roast beef and mashed potatoes my favorite." Mikey says as he starts eating.

"I also managed to swipe this." T.J. says as he is holding a tub of ice cream.

"Rocky road my other favorite." Mikey says as he takes the ice cream tub and opens it.

"Hey give me some of that." Spinelli says as she an the others except Gretchen start eating the ice cream.

"Excuse me but shouldn't we wait till after dinner to eat dessert?" Gretchen asks causing the others to laugh.

"Good one Gretch." Spinelli says.

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