The legend of big kid

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Shortly after seeing Vince return without T.J. the group hear he has been captured and follow Vince.

"We came to this clearing and that's where we-" Vince gets cut off as they see T.J. is no longer where he was left.

"He's gone." Gus says.

"Poor T.J." Mikey says.

"I sure hope he is ok." Alexis says.

"His baseball card. Why did I leave him? I should have stayed. I should of done something." Vince says.

"Hey you did what any kid would of done." Spinelli says.

"Yea ran for your life an left your friend hanging there." Gus says as Alexis gently elbows him in his side.

"What?.. Oh oops wrong choice of words." Gus says as he realizes what he said.

"Look they've clearly taken him back to their pen. We don't have much time lets go." Gretchen says as everyone follows her to where the kindergarteners are.

"The place is deserted they could be anywhere." Gus says.

"They've probably migrated to their return campment." Gretchen says.

"What have they done with T.J.?" Vince asks.

"Yea I don't see him anywhere." Alexis says.

"Maybe they let him go." Gus says.

"Maybe he fought his way out." Spinelli says.

"I'm afraid there's a limitless possibility of a friendless pluset scenario." Gretchen says holding a broken doll.

"We gotta find him you guys. Wherever we have to go. No matter how long it takes we gotta find him." Vince says.

"We're with you Vince lets go." Spinelli says.

"You know I understand they use every part of the tricycle." Gretchen says holding a wheel before they get going finding things letting them know the kindergarteners were there.

"Chocolate." Gretchen says.

"So they were here." Vince says.

"Yea but its dry the trail is cold they could be anywhere by now." Gretchen says.

"I'm not giving up." Vince says.

"No one said anything about giving up." Spinelli says.

"Well actually I may have said something." Gus says.

"Well we're not we're gonna find T.J. or gonna die trying." Vince says.


"Please I didn't see nothing." A kid says.

"Come on we know they were here." Spinelli says as she pins a kid against a wall.

"Please I don't know what your talking about I- ok! Ok! They were here. He was here. Me and the others were just hanging out on the jungle gym and suddenly they was all around us. We was lucky to get out alive." The kid says.

"Was there a fourth grader with them?" Vince asks.

"I don't know." The kid asks as Vice grabs the kids shirt.

"I said was there a fourth grader with them?" Vince asks.

"I don't know I didn't see I just ran ok. I just ran." The kid says as he starts crying.

"Let him go Vince he didn't see anything." Mikey says as Vince lets the kid go.

"But I'll tell you one thing. If there was a fourth grader with them I wouldn't hold out much hope." The kid says. Alexis and the others then start asking around trying to find T.J. but get no luck.

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