Squid game AU

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This doesn't really contain ships, mostly just an AU. But it doesn't mean there won't be slight ship hints throughout the chapter.

Pink soldiers; Sora, Levi, and Charli.
Players; Alex, Light, Luca, and Jaxx.

Light woke up in an odd bed, there seemed to be more below him, and above him.
He began to get out, and climb down the ladder. It was a room that seemed to be square, with a bunch of beds stacked on it.
There were people all over, he could see his sister getting off of a high one.
The small friend group gathered.

"Hey , you guys are awake!"
Said Jaxx.

"I forgot how I got here.. "
Spoken thy, known as Light.

" Light, we are here so we can get money! We have to win! "
Alex responded.

Light scratched the back of his head, slightly sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth as a habit.
All this happened, while Luca kept trying to fix the green suit, he didn't like it very much .
Jaxx crossed his arms, as a voice could be heard speaking.
[Reminder that I have not watched squid games, and barely know anything about it, so I will be making somewhat my own rules.]

"Welcome contestants to the squid games. A game of life or death. For your first game, you will be playing red light green light. Good luck. "

A few minutes later, everyone was in the room for the game. A countdown timer started, and as soon as the doll said " green light " everyone ran as fast as they could. The doll spoke " red light! " Gunshots could be heard, and blood was splattered across Alex's face, as a few people around her were shot. Alex's eyes widened with horror, and the doll spoke again. "Green light." People ran, until they heard the dolls song end . "Red light!" Light had tripped, but wasn't shot..? Why wasn't he shot? What was going on... ? It didn't matter much, the only thing that mattered was surviving.
The game continued, and the focus switched to the guards.

"Hey Sora, I think I see someone you'll like~"
Said Charli.

" Huh? ... "
Sora said as he gazed at the person Charli had been pointing at, Jaxx.

"I like that one, oh and that one!"
Charli said again, pointing at Light, and Luca.

Charli laughed a little, as she saw Levi raise his gun to shoot someone. The game ended, and it was time for a break for the guards, and contestants.

"I heard you two talking about one of the players, so who was it?"
Asked Levi.

" It was some red-haired guy who was super tall! "
Was Charlis response.

" He was kinda .. hot if I'm honest. "
Said Sora.

Levi looked over to Sora, as he adjusted his gun. It was clear Sora was slightly blushing at the thought of that player.

"And you, Charli I heard you said you like two.. who was it?"
Asked Levi once again.

"Some short guy with purple hair, and another guy with white hair! And his eyes were white... And he was sooo pretty!"
Charli said, obsessing over the two.

"Charli... The white haired one is my brother.."
Responded Levi.

" Gasp! Your brother is so cool then!! "

Levi smiled, looking down at Charli.
The focus switched back to the players.
Alex had been talking with Jaxx, Luca, and Light .

"Guys, I'm starting to get a little worried.. we still have lots of games to do.."
Said Alex.

"I'm sure we will all make it out just fine! I heard that we will be doing some marble game a while later, two partners will compete, and one will die.. we can't choose each other."
Said Luca.

" Good idea, Luca! "
Said Jaxx, crossing his arms.

A while passed, and the same voice could be heard speaking again.

"Hello again contestants. The next game you will be playing is Ppopgi. You will have to carve out a shape from a cookie, if it cracks, you'll die. Good luck."

Light had gotten a little worried, since his hands weren't the steadiest. A while passed, and the game began.
Light started to cut the cookie, and seen he had cracked it, though the guard didn't shoot him, but instead let him continue.
He was confused, but didn't mind it, and continued to cut the cookie.
Meanwhile Luca was focusing hard to not crack his cookie.
Crack.. Luca looked down at his cookie with horror.

[To be continued.]

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