Murder mystery. [♥️💙+🖤💝]

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Ships:soraxx and alevi
Main Theme: angst
CW! violence, mention of blood, ect.

Alex had gotten tired of all the fighting, and loud noises the others would usually cause.
There would always be something breaking, such as a hole in the wall.
Then the participants of the fight would go to their rooms and not come out for a long while.

Alex stood up from the couch, and walked into the kitchen, hesitant to grab a knife.
Alex grabbed the knife, and began to walk up to Sora's room.
She had decided he would be a good victim since he's usually sleeping.

Alex slowly opened the door, her hand gripped onto the knife. Alex closed the door, and walked up to Sora as she raised her arm. Alex stabbed the knife into Sora's head for a quick and painless death, getting blood all over her, the walls, the bed , and the blankets.
Alex made sure  had was dead for good by doing it a second time, then she ran out the nearby window that had been left open.

Alex waited for it to be late enough when nobody was awake, and took a shower as well as cleaning her clothes, and the knife she used.
After Alex had been finished with her shower, she changed into some night clothes, and went to her room to fall asleep.
Though she did have a few nightmares, since she had just killed someone, she didn't mind.

In the morning, nobody noticed Sora was dead, until Jaxx had made some breakfast for him. Jaxx walked into the room.

"Hey, baby I got you fo-... SORA!!"

Jaxx dropped the plate, and rushed over to Sora's corpse, hugging it tightly as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Jaxx broke down in tears, seeing his beloved boyfriend dead, made him want nothing but revenge.

Jaxx cried out.

The others rushed in, hearing the loud screaming.
Light looked in horror at his best friends dead body. Levi comforted Jaxx , trying to help him.

"Hey, Jaxx.. calm down bud, it's gonna be okay.."

" He's.. he's dead, Levi.. he's.. dead.. "
Jaxx sobbed.

Hours later, the scene was removed.
The squad gathered in the dining room for a talk about the previous death of Sora. Jaxx wore Sora's old scarf, and he looked extremely depressed.

"[Levi] so, as we all know, Sora was murdered last night, there are a few suspects of who could have done it. "

"[Jaxx] obviously it wasn't me, Sora and I may have our moments of disagreement, but I could never kill him."

"[Luca] I have the clues of who could be the killer. "

Luca pulled out a few pictures, with notes attached to them.

"[Luca] the first suspect is Light, the reason is because he was last to fall asleep. "

"[Light] in my defense, me and Sora have a bond. Not like that of course, though I could have never killed my best friend. "

" [Luca] well, the second suspect is Alex, reason is because she wasn't seen between 5:36 to whenever the last person to fall asleep fell asleep. "

Alex kept quiet, not daring to say anything that could possibly blow her cover.

"[Luca] the last suspect, Jaxx."

"[Jaxx] you have no proof other than our fights, and arguments. WE WERE A HEALTHY COUPLE, ALL WE DID WAS HAVE A FEW ARGUMENTS HERE, AND THERE. I LOVED SORA.... and I still do.. "

" [Luca] I have no clue why your name is here, my apologies. "

" [Charlie] Alex has been kinda quiet.. "


" [Charlie] NO!, I WAS JUST SAYING! "

The squad leader, Alex glared at Charlie, before crossing her arms.
Hours passed as the sun set, and the killer was ready to strike once more.
Though, this time it wasn't Alex.
Jaxx felt something telling him to kill, something giving him the urge of stabbing someone in the guts.

Jaxx stood from his bed, and walked to the kitchen where he grabbed two knives, and into Levi's room.
Jaxx knew it was Alex who killed his boyfriend, so he'll make her suffer the pain of losing someone you love.

Jaxx stabbed Levi multiple times in the chest, about 37 if he counted. Jaxx got blood everywhere, the urge to kill one has been satisfied.
Jaxx quickly rushed to the shower to wash himself off, and changed his clothes as he threw the bloody ones into the washing machine.
Jaxx then went back to bed, using the blanket Sora used often, it still smelled like him, which made Jaxx upset to remember his late boyfriend.

[Hehe, E.. that paragraph made an E.. ANYWAY BACK TO ANGST..]

The sun gleamed through everyone's windows.
Alex went to wake up Levi, until she found him dead.


Luca rushed in , only to see Alex hugging his brother's dead body.

"No... Nononono... LEVI!!"

Luca ran over, as he began to panic, and cry.
The rest of the squad entered, and began to comfort the two.

Hours later they had the same meeting, the talk of who could be the killer, and whatnot.
After a while, they knew the first killer was Alex. But who could be the second killer? The killer of Levi..

Light spoke up.
"I know who it is."

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