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Jungkook paced in his dorms, holding a crying Jeongin in his arms. After the recent discovery of the mangled corpse of Professor Min, the university campus was placed on lockdown until the following day when students would be sent home to ensure their safety. 

Dae-Young, Jeongin's mother, was sitting on his bed, watching as the father tried desperately to comfort his son. Jeongin had heard the sirens, the gasps and screams as students found out what had happened, and the little one-year-old was beyond frightened by the chaos. 

"Jungkook, here. I'll put a cartoon on my phone, it might calm him down," Dae-Young said, chewing her nails. Jungkook turned to her with a sigh and placed Jeongin on her lap. 

"Good idea... it might distract him," he answered, gently grabbing her hand and pulling it from her mouth. "Don't do that. I know... tonight has been stressful, but don't do that. It's not good for you, and you don't want to spread your germs onto Innie," 

The girl nodded and wrapped her arms around her son. Dae-Young was visibly shaken up, hence why Jungkook had offered to let her stay with him. The two of them had met two years beforehand during their freshman year of university, a time when all they cared about were the insane parties. They both drank, spoke, and kissed and it progressed until a month later when Dae-Young approached Jungkook, telling him she was pregnant with his child.

Jungkook was terrified at first, but he knew better than to walk out of her life after that. They both knew it would be a challenge to raise a child together when they had their studies to focus on, but they both wanted to take that challenge. Jungkook had supported her throughout the entire pregnancy, using all of the money he earned by doing gigs in small bars to put toward their baby. He would spend almost all of his free time supporting Dae-Young with her needs, going grocery shopping for her, rubbing her feet, taking her to hospital appointments, and they bonded closely. 

Despite this, there was never any romance involved with either of them. They were good friends who just so happened to be raising a child together, and the pair were as happy as ever. Of course, they had hard times in which they fought (especially over Jeongin) but they remained close friends. 

"Jungkook... Professor Min... I-I... I saw the body... it was in... in his classroom. I couldn't... I... I just... I saw it..." the girl looked up at him, fear laced in her voice. She had been the one to discover the body of the beloved professor, screaming at the top of her lungs at the sight. Another professor had heard her scream and rushed to her aid, only to find the misshapen body of their colleague.

"I know, Dae. I know. I'm here, okay? And our little boy is here too, it's all okay. It's going to be okay," he sat beside her on the bed, wrapping a comforting arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder and held back her tears, not wanting to stress out Jeongin even more. 

"Jungkook, i-it was horrible. His body. His shirt... his shirt was torn. And... carved right into his fucking stomach! Someone... someone carved the word 'angel' into his fucking stomach! Whoever did it... they don't regret what they did..." she told him, squeezing her eyes shut as she thought back to the horrific sight. 

"Angel..?" Jungkook hummed. He shook his head, trying his hardest not to believe that it was his best friend who committed such a tedious crime. He thought back to a time when Jimin had brought his new lover back to their dorms... how his lover had referred to him as 'angel'. Jungkook had suspicions that the man that Jimin had taken a liking to was V, especially after hearing of how the man had practically kidnapped him.

It was plausible. Jimin had been manipulated by V, he always knew how naive his best friend was, and V had been the one to convince Jimin to do this.

But why Yoongi? Why his Yoongi? 

Jimin looked up to the professor, he admired his every move. Jungkook remembered how eager Jimin was to get to Yoongi's class earlier that day (he had a bruise on his head to prove it) and how hard Jimin worked in his class. It didn't make sense. But why would Jimin decide to leave the campus so suddenly? 

Nothing made sense. He tried to convince himself that it wasn't Jimin, that his best friend was not capable of such things, but deep down he knew that there was a chance that Jimin was not innocent. 

"Yes. Angel. It was so messed up... it was so gruesome... Jungkook, I don't think I could ever forget that sight. ...I... I hope Professor Min rests in peace." Dae-Young muttered, leaning into Jungkook's embrace. 

"So do I, Dae. You and Jeongin get some rest, okay? And I think it would be good for you to see a therapist, I can't imagine how seeing such a thing would affect you. I'm sorry you had to be the one to find the body," Jungkook pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead and manoeuvred her so that she was laying on his bed, holding Jeongin close to her. 

She closed her eyes and Jungkook carefully placed Jeongin in his small bed, tucking him in under the soft sheets. 

"Dada..." Jeongin babbled, looking up at his father. "Dada, Eomma cry," 

"I know, little man. Eomma was just crying because she was sleepy, just like you do," Jungkook brushed a stray strand of hair out of his son's face and gave him a warm smile. "Now, it's way past your bedtime, Innie. Get some sleep. Dada will be right here to protect you, okay?" 

Jeongin's eyes were already droopy and he turned over in his bed. "Nigh' nigh', Dada," 

"Night night, little man,"

Jungkook waited until he was sure that the pair were both sleeping before going into the bathroom and taking a deep breath. 

"Okay... okay. Let me think. Just let me think," he mumbled to himself, pushing his fingers through his long hair. "Jimin liked Yoongi. Jimin had no reason to kill Yoongi. I don't know for certain that this man is V... I'm overthinking. Jimin is distraught when he steps on slugs and snails, he sounded happy on the phone. If Jimin did it... he wouldn't sound so happy. He wouldn't. But... angel. Why angel? That's what that creepy guy calls Jimin, but that's a common pet name. It wasn't Jimin. It wasn't. Jimin left because he was probably gonna get laid. Jimin didn't kill him... he didn't,"

A tear rolled down his cheek and he huffed out a quiet sob. "He couldn't... I can't overthink this. Y-Yoongi hyung... Yoongi hyung, I-I promise. I promise I'll find out who did this to you. I'll grant you the justice you deserve..." 

Jungkook slid down the bathroom wall, his knees pressed against his chest as he cried softly. Why did it have to be Yoongi? Why him? Why?  His dear crush was gone in minutes because of a remorseless killer. He just didn't know what to do. 

And so, he pulled a card out of his pocket and dialled the number etched onto it. He wasn't going to rest until Yoongi's killer was found. 

"Hello, Detective Jung Hoseok speaking, what can I do for you?"

Jung Hoseok:

Age: 29Career: Detective Character traits & facts:- Was best friends with Min Yoongi- Unimaginably gay- Dedicated to his job- Has a soft heart- Enjoys partying and drinking on his time off - Soft in and out of the bedroom-

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Age: 29
Career: Detective
Character traits & facts:
- Was best friends with Min Yoongi
- Unimaginably gay
- Dedicated to his job
- Has a soft heart
- Enjoys partying and drinking on his time off
- Soft in and out of the bedroom

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