Author's Notes

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This is a story that's been percolating in my head for a while and I'm thrilled to finally get to put it to paper and share it with the world! And ONC feels like the perfect time to do it.

The origin of this story is from a train ride I was on this fall, as the first snow started to fall over Sweden (where I live). It's just such a magical time when the whole world turns into crystal and I wanted to capture that feeling in a love story.

So, this story was born. A sweet romance incorporating supernatural elements to further elevate the feeling of a snow-filled world where everything is possible.

I also must mention the Norwegian TV series Skam as influential for what I want this story to be. I went through an absolute obsession with this show this fall after I finally started watching it (it actually aired about 6 years ago and was a phenomenon across Scandinavia and other parts of the world back then). If you can, find it and watch it! 

Skam manages to portray Scandinavian youth in a way that feels pure, earnest, and real, where characters can be at the same time fragile and strong. The storytelling narrowly zooms in on one character at a time, showing the world from their perspective and creating empathy among the viewers. Every scene feels meticulously chosen and necessary for the full narrative.

That is what I strive for with my storytelling as well. I probably won't get all the way there but I won't stop trying. This is an attempt at capturing that feeling.

Anyway, enough blathering about shows no one but me has seen, onward to the story!

First Frost (ONC 2023 Novella, MxM Paranormal)Where stories live. Discover now