Cat-astrophe at the Provisional License Exams

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A/N: I nearly forgot about this coming first before the yakuza arc, my bad... I hope you guys enjoy.

1st Person POV, Chifuyu

"Coro!" Mine screamed tugging on the dog's leash. "Let go of that damn fire hydrant already!"

The small bipedal animal merely screamed (I learned that dogs can apparently scream) back at her with defiance, hugging a red fire hydrant like his life depended on it. I began to see why Mine had so much trouble dealing with him....

We all walked as a group, our designated pets in hand. Well more like Amatsu stayed on my shoulder, Deneko kept changing from sitting on Ritsu's shoulder to Ichigo's, Kirara stuck to her other shoulder, giving agitated hisses at Deneko whenever he jumped onto her on accident, Chibikuro walked alongside Lucy while fetching a stick that Bendy, who was hanging out from Rico's back, threw off and on, thus making a new friend, while Coro and Mine....

Well, I think you guys can guess how much fun it is right now with them, especially with Coro making a scene.

While Mine was busy peeling Coro off the fire hydrant, Rico decided to make small talk with our new addition to the group.

"So what brings you to our neck of the woods?" He asked as Bendy played with Chibikuro to keep the hyperactive pup occupied.

Ritsu, the shy sweetheart, seemed to be very shy around these "new" people. Though Deneko had seemingly taken a shine to Ichigo, though I think that had something to do with her having cat-genes, what with her having the DNA of the endangered Iriomote Wildcat....

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. You can trust these guys. And they already know about the you-know-what at you-know-where..."

Seeming to take comfort in my words, she answered, letting the others hear her. "Well, me and my class from Kunigigaoka are here for the Provisional License exams."

This made me shocked. "Aw crap I totally forgot about those!" I spoke without thinking.

Amu sent me a look. "How could you forget about that?"

I sent her my own look. "I have been busy, miss smartmouth." I responded, putting emphasis on the word.

She winced. "Right. Sorry."

And I wasn't lying. With the whole drama with UA and Deika City, renovating the bunker campus, getting ready for that curry contest in Shujin (and winning by what may say a landslide), things have slipped through my fingers.

I should remind the Hope's Peak Students and come up with a plan in case Nedzu tries to do something shady. Despite our best efforts, he managed to rope solely Class 77 into his little game. From what the Maushold network had told me, he thinks if one class doesn't have the support of their other classes to fall back on means an instant win for his precious all-star hero students.

What he seemed to either not realize or just ignore that I'm not the only person capable of being a Class representative. They have my sister Chiaki and she is just as capable of leading her class to victory as I am. So I let her take the wheel on this one, giving her the moment to shine as a "general" in this so-called game of war.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kokoro spoke up, snapping me out of my reverie.

I gave her a dry look. "You tell me. Since you can read my mind without charge..."

She managed a small smile. "That's fair."

By this time Mine had finally got Coro off the fire hydrant and we were back on the path to UA.

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