A Bit of Filler Before We Get Back to the Grind...

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1st Person POV Chifuyu

Thankfully before things got too crazy I had Mew teleport the whole lot of us out of the tower to a location outside of Deika City.

We had left just as Heatran used Magma Storm underground, thus beginning to bathe the entire city in lava. Groudon unleashed Precipice Blades throughout the city, piercing buildings and cars with his signature attack. Any of Re-Destro's followers were either petrified into stone by Yveltal's Oblivion Wing or had been caught by Marshadow so Giratina can take both them and the ones turned into stone into the Reverse World.

"Well Giratina was looking for some decorations in the Reverse World, so I guess they got their wish..." I thought dryly.

"That's a bit morbid," Kokoro commented to me. I just shrugged in response even as fatigue began to crawl over me. She gave me a concerned look but I merely shook my head at her.

The other girls and the pink creature next to one of them only watched with morbid awe as the city was bathed in lava and disrupted by the earthquake caused by Groudon's Precipice Blades. Kyogre then began to use Origin Pulse to bring down a downpour, which began to drench us in the process.

I turned to the lot of them as rain poured down on us. "I think it may be best that we should part ways." I said, sensing that we were about to have company.

Machi, the girl with strings, raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"I rather not be around for that." I said just as sirens were heard in the distance. She seemed to catch on before she said, "You guys get going, I'll stick around to see if they try to trace it back to you."

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. "What are you-?"

"Just trust me.." She sounded a bit irritated but I get the feeling she meant well.

Kokoro touched the back of my hand. "We can trust her. Now let's go!"

"What about them?!" Ritsu, the one with the pink zipper-mouthed creature and odd bracelet pointed to the ones brought by Hoopa's rings.

I shook my head. "Don't worry, they have an escape route. See?" I pointed to the rings just as the Pokemon summoned had returned through them, leaving no trace behind for the authorities to pick up on.

"Now let's go!" I said urgently as the sirens were getting closer. I then summoned Koraidon, who seemed to thankfully catch on that we needed a quick getaway let the four of us (including the unconscious little girl in Ritsu's arms) on board as Vivijey ran beside us.


We managed to put some distance between us and Deika city. We stuck to the backroads and alleys so to avoid the cops heading that way and the unwanted attention that could come from a live dragon/motorcycle creature and a pink alien (Ritsu explained a bit about her ability on the way) running alongside us.

Eventually my fatigue was reaching a climax so I had to dismount from Koraidon and return him before he too had to suffer my drawbacks.

"Chifuyu?" Kokoro called out to me concerned as I staggered on the sidewalk.

"Miss?!" the small girl, who had woke up at one point during the ride and was actually loving it, was concerned as she and Ritsu ran over to me as I dropped to the ground.

"Ughh..." I groaned, a pulsing sensation inside my head making me clench my eyes shut. "That's a bad move on my end..."

Kokoro's shouts of worry faded into black as did my consciousness.

POV Switch Kokoro

I knew I should have said something when I first saw the signs of her fatigue. Now we are in a shady part of a neighborhood with no idea of where to go or get help without having to explain what happened. And me carrying Chifuyu was a no-go as despite my power I am not good strength-wise.

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