Some New Furry Friends Enter the Scene....

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Little filler before we get to the next part...

"So what exactly is going on here?" Nonon asked as we (namely me, Kokoro, Rico, and Nonon) stood outside the UA building, waiting for Lucy, Mine, Amu, and Ichigo to show up. Monocrow flew from one person to another as we waited, sometimes messing with my hair, which made Kokoro laugh as I tried to wave him off before he tried to make a nest out of it.

"Last night, Ichigo and Lucy simultaneously texted me saying that they have something to show us, and they did not give details. As for Mine, she is asking for help on something and she asked me for assistance." I explained to them, with Kokoro nodding in confirmation. Even she wasn't privy to the details but was also curious on what could they be wanting.

"We're here!" We looked over to see Lucy herself, running at full speed, and unusual energy to her step and she was also holding a bundle in her arms. Mine, Ichigo, and Amu were right behind her, or rather, Lucy's invisible hands were dragging them and they were barely able to keep pace with her crazy speed. Two of three of them were desperately trying to hold on to something, though whatever Mine had was basically flying behind them on some sort of leash like some plush toy on a string.

"The last time she ran that fast was for a-" Rico was cut off as Lucy came to a sudden halt in front of us, making a large dust cloud in her wake.

"Hi guys!" She panted looking way too excited for in the morning.

"Somebody must have gotten a dose of Ibuki-senpai's coffee, because you are way too energetic for this time of day," I commented.

She didn't take offense to my statement. "Nope! Even better!" She let the other girls down, letting them collect themselves from their wild ride.

She then began to unravel the makeshift bundle in her arms, revealing a...

"A puppy?!"

"A puppy?!"

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(Picture a mix of these two but with some spots on his back on the first image)

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(Picture a mix of these two but with some spots on his back on the first image)

She nodded happily. "Yep! This cutie is named Chibikuro! And he's my and my sisters' new pet pupper!"

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