Dealing with Serial Killers For Dummies

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Warning: there will be blood, violence, and a dash of bodily dismemberment in this chapter so proceed with caution. If you're into all of that, good for you, have fun.

First Person POV, Chifuyu

As if things could not get any dumber.

I'm honestly considering my uncle Tails' offer on going to live on Mobius with him and his crew. Each day that passes, I'm slowly getting to my limit with this accursed society. And my sanity is slowly but surely slipping away. It be a matter of time before my Pokemon turns my bedroom into a padded cell and get me sized for a straitjacket.

I guess I should probably explain what happened this time.

It started off like this.

My friends and I were at the mall in Hosu City, there was a big sale going on in my and Rico's comic book store featuring some of our favorite manga titles, and there was also a few arcades me and the others wanted to hit up and chill out in.

But those plans came to an unexpected halt thanks to a couple of Ghost-type Pokemon I sent to watch over Uncle Colress and Uncle Tails while they were on patrol with their group.

I jumped out of my skin when Dusknoir and Gengar popped up from a shadow on the floor in the mall corridor.

"Sweet Mother of Sinnoh!" I hissed, clutching the area where my heart is located. "Don't scare me like that!" My friends from UA looked on in both surprise and curiosity.

"Sorry, milady, but it is urgent!" Dusknoir said, his telepathic voice distressed.

"What is it?" I asked, having a bad feeling.

"It's your uncle Colress and Tails." My heart sank at Gengar's uncharacteristically serious face and words. "The Hero Killer is confronting him and his squad!"

Oh hell no. Not on my watch. A dark aura swelled around me, making the others begin to sweat nervously.

"Guys." I placed Nezuko into Rico's hands. The Poison-type seems to like him the most. "Watch her. I'm going on a errand. I'll be back in a bit..."

I then walked off.

I heard Nonon say to the others, "Well, I hope whoever pissed her off had lived a full life and hope for mercy from the gods. Because chances are she's not gonna give them any..."

How right she was...

POV Switch 3rd Person, No One

"NO MATTER THE COUNTRY OR ORIGIN ALL OF YOU ARE A BUNCH OF FAKES!!!" Stain was shouting while staring down the UA students, Native, and the heroes of Mobius.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." Amy wheezed out, paralyzed and bleeding from the cuts, her blood matting her pink hair.

"We all have our off days, Rose..." Knuckles replied, forced down on one knee, his entire body forcefully locked into place.

Iida was beside himself with self-pity, berating himself for his foolish actions. "This is all my fault! If I hadn't acted so selfishly, I wouldn't have endangered everyone!"

"All of you only care about fortune and fame!" Stain continued his spiel swinging his blade. He pointed his blade at the downed Miles "Tails" Prower, who was being held by Colress, who had also has his share of wounds and was barely able to move. "And since you two are so adamant on fighting, I'll end you both here and now!" He then rushed at them.

"NO!!!" Everyone screamed. Colress shut his eyes, awaiting his fate to unfold, hoping that he would at least buy the others time to get his brother out.

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