Chapter 33 The Wraith

Start from the beginning

     "That creature is not getting through this door on my watch!" exclaimed Granny, holding a crossbow toward the door.

     Kaylee and I knew we needed a weapon to help protect our friends, so we ran into Mr. Gold's pawn shop and saw Belle; she looked frightened. I didn't see Mr. Gold, and I was curious why he wasn't there to protect her. "We need the sword of Nayu; it's the best weapon against the creature," I said, breathing at a fast rate.

     "Oh, yes," Belle quickly replied. Then she disappeared into the back room and came back with the sword. "Be careful, and good luck!" she hollered as we were running out of the shop.

     As soon as we went into the diner, it was super packed. There was no light inside because whenever the creature past by any building, strangely the electricity would go out. "What the bloody hell is that thing!" exclaimed Hook, looking through a window and staring at the shadowy creature soaring outside.

     "I'm afraid that it is a wraith, a demon soul-sucker that originates from a land called Camelot," said Mother Superior in a serious and worried tone. "And this creature preys on those who have been cursed from being marked by the wraith medallion, an object that a wraith can only be summoned from."

     "Then someone must have this medallion," said David, "and whoever does, summoned the wraith for a reason."

     "I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was that bloody crocodile," Hook said, gritting his teeth with anger. "Afterall, I'm sure he'd be the only one to have such a dangerous object in his possession."

     "I just hope no one was marked," Mother superior said, looking very fearful. "But if someone was, that's who the wraith is searching for," she added apprehensively.

     Just then, Zelena rushed into the diner, and she looked frightened. "What is that creature out there?" she questioned, sounding alarmed. "Why is it after us?"

     "It's not after us; it's after the marked victim," replied Grumpy.

     "Sorry, but I don't quite understand what you mean, Munchkin," Zelena replied irritably.

     After Mother Superior explained to her, Cora said with worry, "I hope Regina is safe."

     "Unless if she's the one who has been marked," Grumpy put in. "Afterall, everyone in this town desires revenge on her, so it makes sense if she was the intended victim."

     "Maybe it is Jefferson who has the medallion," said Snow with alarm. "We have to go find Regina!"

     "I won't lose a daughter!" exclaimed Cora with panic.

     Cora, David, Snow, Hook, Neal, Kaylee, I, and even Zelena went to Regina's house, and once we burst into it, to all our great alarm, we saw the wraith literally sucking the life out of Regina. My heart lurched, and I never saw something more alarming in my life. It looked just like how the dementors from the movie, Harry Potter, would suck the life from a victim.

     "Get away from my daughter!" Cora roared, throwing a fireball she created with her magic at the wraith. It screeched and released Regina after the fireball hit it. Cora then threw more fireballs at it until it was driven away, and it broke through a window.

     Regina lay on the floor, unconscious, and I panicked, hoping that she wasn't dead. I wondered how much of her soul was sucked from her, and it was alarming to think about. "My dear, Regina," mourned Cora, pressing a gentle hand against her daughter's pale cheek. "You're going to be okay," she murmured. To all our great relief, Regina still had a pulse, and a few minutes later, she opened her eyes, looking very dazed.

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