Chapter 31 Manhattan

Start from the beginning

     "Perhaps," he replied, "so just to play it safe, I will share this potion with you. It should be enough for the three of us. Now pack up your bags. It's time to go find my son."

     We said our goodbyes and left in Mr. Gold's car. He used GPS to locate the nearest airport, then we purchased our plane tickets. Mr. Gold looked very anxious the entire time since it would be his first time flying on a plane. Upon boarding the plane, he did not speak a word the whole way, and I could even see him trembling.

     We soon disembarked the plane and grabbed our luggage then left the airport. We took a bus to the location where Baelfire lived. Mr. Gold took out the piece of paper that showed his apartment number, and we located Baelfire's apartment. "This is it," Mr. Gold said. Then suddenly, he looked nervous again. "Maybe Bae's not home," he said, hesitating.

     "You don't have to be nervous," I said. "This is what you have been waiting for. Finally, you can make it right with your son."

     "He might not want to see me, and I wouldn't blame him," Mr. Gold replied, shaking his head sadly. "He is probably ashamed of his papa."

     "I know that he will forgive you, and you can finally make peace with him," I reassured.

     Mr. Gold then slowly knocked.

In the Enchanted Forest (Happening Now)

     Cora, the Queen of Hearts and Regina's mother, left Wonderland through the looking glass that was created when we went to Wonderland through the hat. Cora was planning to see her daughter, unaware of the curse enacted, and she hoped to make amends with her. She went to her daughter's castle, but strangely there were no guards around, for the castle looked to have been abandoned. She called for her daughter. "Regina? It's your mother. I have returned." She searched every room but still her daughter was not found, and she grew worried. "What has happened to my daughter?" she muttered to herself with much concern. Something very bad could have happened to Regina like she was killed or exiled, and I should have been there for her even though she hated me, Cora thought anxiously. Let me see if she is out and about. Cora left the castle and wandered about in search for Regina. Suddenly, she found something lying on the ground. Cora looked interested, picked it up, and examined it closely. My, one is irresponsible to leave such a valuable object lying around for anyone to take. I must say, that is quite the fancy oil lamp. Suddenly, her expression grew surprised. But it is no ordinary oil lamp, for only one of these exists, the genie lamp. I've seen this lamp in a picture. How does it come to be here? It's like it was waiting to be found. Looks like it's mine now, and I have the first wish in mind if I do not find my daughter.

In Manhattan (Happening Now)

     After a few more knocks at the door, it opened. A young, tired-looking man stood at the door, and at the sight of Mr. Gold, he grew very surprised. "No, it can't be...," he said with shock.

     "Oh, Bae, yes, it's your papa, and I'm here to tell you that I am sorry for hurting you, for being a coward, and for letting you go," Mr. Gold said with emotion in his voice. "I want to make it up to you."

     "It's Neal now, and I'm sorry but I don't want to talk to you," Baelfire responded. "Now it's my turn to let you go." He started to shut the door, but Mr. Gold stopped it.

     "Please, Bae," Mr. Gold begged. "Just five minutes of your time at least. I'm not leaving until I talk to you. That is all. I want you to hear what I have to say. You have no idea the amount of regret I have lived with each day. Don't let me lose you again, please, Bae."

     Neal nodded. "Okay, only five minutes. That is the deal."

     Mr. Gold smiled. "Thank you, Son."

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