Chapter 29 Time Travel

Start from the beginning

     "Now remember, Dearies, whatever you do, make sure yourselves do not see you because this will cause a time paradox that will inevitably alternate the entire past or future," warned Mr. Gold. "The future depends on you, so make sure you don't mess up."

     I swallowed nervously because I was now really scared since we could very easily mess up. "So, technically, we are going to the future since we were sent to the past by the curse," I said, and he nodded. Then I turned to Kaylee. "You ready?"

     "I'm ready," she replied, nodding nervously.

     I took out the key, and as I was moving it down toward the center of the page, suddenly, a keyhole magically appeared in the middle of it just as I expected. "There you go," Mr. Gold said with a smile. "Now go save the future."

     I inserted the key, and immediately, a bright light emitted from the page, then Kaylee and I were immediately sucked into the book. We abruptly landed in the Enchanted Forest, and after catching our breath, we stood up. I took a deep whiff of the Enchanted Forest scent that I had missed. "Well, it looks like it worked," I said, turning to Kaylee. "Any moment now, we are going to see the curse fog coming, and ourselves are going to diminish it. We just have to hide while waiting."

     Soon, the sky grew dark and ominous, then billowing, heavy, dark fog began engulfing it. The curse was coming, and we anticipated watching it being diminished. A few minutes later, a crazy, swarming flock of birds flew our direction as the dark fog was advancing toward us. Then a moment later, we saw bright, white light, and it began to overpower the curse fog. We knew it was our light magic, and we watched the dramatic scene until the curse fog entirely disappeared. "Wow, I never realized how cool it was," Kaylee remarked proudly.

     As we were running to the area that we remembered we were when diminishing the curse fog, suddenly, we stopped when someone appeared in front of us. It was Rumpelstiltskin. "Well done, Dearies," he said to us with a grin. "Very impressive indeed, just as impressive as how you managed to come back from where Queeny sent you just at the very right time. Now that is what I call a remarkable coincidence or as I like to call it, fate, fate that fulfilled your destiny."

     I knew that we should not tell Rumpelstiltskin that we were actually from the future, technically past, because obviously when Mr. Gold was helping us with the time travel spell, he didn't know that he met our past-future selves. We had to be careful not to mess up anything. "Excuse us, but there's something we must do," I said in a rush. Then we ran off to the area where we encountered ourselves lying on the grass. We hid behind shrubs, watching ourselves from a distance. "Now we need to think up a plan of how we are going to steal that genie lamp," I whispered to Kaylee. We have to be very careful not to let ourselves see us like Mr. Gold warned since it will cause a time paradox, and who knows what may happen. We have only one shot at this, so we can't mess up," I ended with a nervous swallow.

     "It is going to be very hard to get that lamp," Kaylee said, sighing anxiously and looking apprehensive, as she watched Snow, David, and the dwarfs run toward ourselves in celebration.

     Just then, suddenly, a voice was heard from behind us, startling us, and we turned around to see Rumpelstiltskin. Kaylee and I cast alarmed glances, hoping he would not see our duplicates out yonder. "Uh, what are you doing here?" I nervously asked him.

     "I want to know how you time traveled," he replied, looking surprised.

     "Um..., what are you talking about?" I responded, feeling panicked.

     "You know exactly what I mean," he replied. "If I am not wrong, Dearies, those are yourselves right out younger celebrating with your friends. Now you can't deny that."

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