51- A Sneaky Employee

Start from the beginning

As decided by both of them, they like a quiet, private but elegant wedding, to be attended by a few close people of either sides although there would be an exclusive news and a short video coverage by a trusted media company.

Jungkook fidgeted under his desk, trying not to show discomposure and straightened himself.

So was the older Mr. Jeon, who was, in the rarest of moment, looking unsure and nervous.

"Y-You are getting along well, I assume."

"You mean, me and Jimin? We are great together. I am happy with him. I believe I make him happy too."

"You really don't need my help in your wedding preparations?"

"It's alright dad. You know I will turn to you if there's anything I can't handle. But right now, I really want to do it myself for my groom. I have employed some expert people and a very reputable wedding coordinator and Jimin and I are really enjoying making decisions, choosing, planning everything. We sometimes have differing opinions and we bicker but.. "

Remembering their sometimes petty and playful arguments over things they prefer, Jungkook's mouth stretched in a broad smile and he laughed in fond amusement. "I was surprised Jimin can be a bit headstrong sometimes but adorably so.. I just can't help it, I find myself just giving in."

"I'm really happy for you.. J-Jungkook, son.."

Jungkook braced himself at what's about to come. He knew his father's intended admission.

It took enough pause time from the older man to make Jungkook impatient. He was laden with cluttered emotion.

"What is that, dad?"

"I lied to you when I told you I knew Jimin because of his stepfather, Mr. Park."

Jungkook nodded.

"You do remember years ago, when a woman and a child stayed with us in our old house? You were seven years old then. Y-You do remember the woman y-you call aunt Ji-Eun?"

"How could I forget? I may be very young that time but some of those memories are clearer to me than any other fresh ones."

"I am not oblivious nor ignorant to, what I assume, is your dislike towards the late Mrs. Park Ji-Eun...It seemed you harbor an unlikely animosity towards her..."

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh.

"I didn't just disliked her..I-I hated her for as long as I could remember..."

"J-Jungkook..I am not insensitive as to not know why you felt that way.. how can I say this? I-I need to explain.."

"You don't need to, dad. Let us just put the past behind us."

The senior man cleared his throat. "W-Well, you see... J-Jimin.. Jimin's mother.."

"Yes. Aunt Ji-Eun is his mother. I knew."

The older Mr. Jeon was dumbfounded. He was doubtful if Jungkook knew about the identity of Jimin's mother.

He believed Jungkook's smart and would be able to figure it out but a bigger part of him believed that Jungkook didn't know yet given the short amount of time.

"Y-You knew? How long have you known?"

"Yes. When you've given him the charm bracelet."

A worried frown marred Mr. Jeon's features.

"I-Iam so sorry.. I was hesitant to tell you for some very sensitive reason."

"It was hard.. I was stumped, at a loss of what to do, what to feel..but it only took less than a day to realize what I needed, what and who I cannot be without... My love for Jimin is not a flimsy thing that can easily crumble and be thrown away... I just feel hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth sooner."

" I was anxious about you, about your feelings with the situation, that you may be hurt and bothered. I've always thought from the start that you and Jimin together-would be wonderful- that's why I could never be against it. Actually when the idea happened, I felt it was serendipity, a beautiful gift of fate... but," Mr. Jeon's face shadowed with apprehension. He sighed heavily. " I was also very worried."

"You were delighted with the idea that your son and the son of the woman you love will be united in love. But you are worried that it might not work out. That if I found out about his mother, I'll be mad, might leave Jimin or God knows what unimaginable cruel things I will do to him. Am I right, dad? You were worried that I would plan to hurt him, that I am just pretending to love him. You are even thinking I would dump Jimin on our wedding day and break his heart. Is that what's playing on your mind, right now, dad?"

'I am afraid that you'll get hurt son, now knowing this tiny part of an information, there is no turning back in telling you the whole truth," the truth that him and his late wife have originally planned to keep from him forever. But Mr. Jeon realized their stupid mistake. They did a very foolish decision, one that was not fair for Jungkook. Insensible lies that Jungkook did not deserve. A truth that Jungkook has the right to know. How can the younger ever forgive him if he will soon learn about it. Will he be able to accept the disdain and maybe hate of his son when he finds out the truth? But he thought about it real hard. Nothing is hidden that will not come to light in time and perhaps the truth will set them free. So after thinking about it real hard, he had decided the time has come to give Jungkook the truth but not at this moment and not at this place. These are the thoughts running inside Mr. Jeon's head.

"I was worried about you hurting him at first but when you confessed to me about your feelings for Jimin, son, I didn't doubt your sincerity. So, I have stopped worrying about that. I- I am worried about you though, about your feelings and how you'll take it."

Jungkook smiled at his father to reassure him.

"Please don't be bothered anymore, dad. I no longer hate her." Jungkook sadly shook his head. "I regret even feeling that way towards her now. It wasn't her fault that you can't deny your feelings for her. S-She probably didn't mean to cause any harm. Besides, she is Jimin's mother. She must have been a good person. Jimin loves her. I can never hate the person whom the man I love cherishes the most."

Mr. Jeon nodded and smiled softly but there is still a bothered expression on his face.

"I now realized what love is. It is not something you plan or something you can control. When you feel it, when it invades you, it invades you, there is nothing you can do about it. It has its own reasons or perhaps it doesn't even have a reason.. So, yes, now it's easy for me to accept, dad. I understand you far better than before. You don't have to worry about Jimin and me. I.won't let this sort of thing ever come between us. I love Jimin, dad, much more than how you perceive I do."

"Hearing this from you makes me really happy. I am very glad son. B-but please if you have time, you can see me and we'll talk in the house. There's something of utmost importance I needed to tell you."

"Sure dad. Maybe after tomorrow I can come by after seven."

"That's good. We'll have dinner then."

"So let's leave together. I told Jimin I will go with him but at the very last minute. I can't be late."

So the father and son went out of the office together.


After awhile, the female secretary went out of her small office, looking around as if checking if the coast is clear and like a thief, sneaked inside her boss's office.

She went straight to Jungkook's desk and lifted some files and under some folders, she took a mobile phone- her mobile phone wherein the recorder was turned on.

Gyuri needs to get a lot of information concerning Jungkook. She should do something to stop his wedding to that tiny pest of a guy. That Jimin is so fucking annoying and has been ruining all of her plans. She is running out of time and out of scheme.

Jungkook can't marry that unsophisticated dwarf! Her sister is the one meant for Jungkook, Yoo-bi and no one else!


Sorry for using the name of a rumored actress Jk was dating (old rumor, not true) I searched for a name and character coz I don't like to use other female kpop names. No offense meant. Just tell me if I need to change the name.

MISSTEPS OF LOVE / Jikook Kookmin MinggukWhere stories live. Discover now