Chapter 26 Time Aberration

Start from the beginning

     "Like if this curse caused a time aberration," I finished, shuddering at the thought, "or in other words, it sent us back in time before we ever discovered the Enchanted Forest in the first place." Then we cast one another grim expressions.

     "Well, to see if this is the case, we need to look at the date," Kaylee replied tensely. "I don't recall ever looking at it."

     "Yeah, me too," I added apprehensively. "I believe it was sometime in the beginning of March 2017 when we found the magic bean in our backyard. So, if the date now is before March, then that would mean this curse really brought us back in time, and therefore, this would prove that ourselves are home now since we would not have found the bean yet."

     "Let's find out," Kaylee said nervously.

     We saw Archie who was taking another walk with Pongo, then we approached him and asked what month and year it was, hoping he wouldn't think we lost our minds. "Why, it's April 17th, 2016," he replied, looking perplexed. "Didn't you know?" Then immediately, Kaylee and I exchanged alarmed expressions which Archie saw, and he questioned, looking concerned, "Is everything okay? Why do you both look so terrified?"

     "Uh, nothing," I quickly replied. "Thanks for your time, but we have to go. Bye!"

     Then we rushed away and decided to go to Mr. Gold to tell him about what we had just discovered. We thought he might know about this time aberration. "Hi, Mr. Gold, well I mean Rumpelstiltskin," I said, out of breath, as we ran into his shop.

     "What can I do for you, Deary?" he asked.

     Then we explained about everything that just happened, and Mr. Gold responded, looking surprised, "It looks like you two are in a serious predicament, and this does prove that, yes, the curse has caused a time aberration."

     "So would that also mean there are duplicates of all the people in the town back in the Enchanted Forest too?" Kaylee questioned.

     "Possibly," Mr. Gold replied. "Perhaps that was why none of us ever returned once the curse was broken."

     "Let's just say hypothetically, what would happen if we remained in Storybrooke until the curse was enacted in the Enchanted Forest?" I questioned, shuddering at the scary thought. "Would that bring all our duplicates here, then we would see ourselves? Or would it put time back on track and erase our duplicates? I hope I make any sense."

     "I know what you mean, Deary, but I cannot be certain of what may occur," Mr. Gold grimly replied. "I may have some knowledge of the effects of a time aberration but not all."

     "I wonder if Regina knew the curse would send us all back in time," Kaylee put in.

     "Oh, Regina had no idea that would happen," Mr. Gold replied. "She did not really understand what she was dealing with. And like I always say, magic comes with a price."

     "But did you know this would happen?" I questioned.

     "I had not known a time aberration from this curse occurred until you informed me, but I already knew that some dark curses consequentially cause time aberrations, and in this case, this was one of them. This curse may have taken a toll on our lives, especially yours, but this fate was what fulfilled your destiny, a destiny that was already predetermined because of a prophecy, and a prophecy can never be thwarted simply because it is the future, a future that is inevitable."

     "But is there any way to alter time back onto track?" I questioned. "How else are we ever going to be able to go home?"

     "There is a way," Mr. Gold replied, "a time travel spell."

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