Panicking- Chapter 25

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Ross started crying, harder than I've ever seen anybody cry. Harder than I've ever seen anything. He was having a panic attack. I didn't know how to help. I'm trying so hard. But.. family issues? What in the fuck did Robert tell Ross? What was I missing!? Ross let out a loud groan of discomfort and pain as his face burned from crying. This wasn't exactly a small panic attack. "I- He- Robert.. I SLAPPED HIM. DID THAT REMIND HIM OF HIS MOM TOO? WHAT ELSE HAVE I DONE? HOW CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME!?" Ross screamed once more, his thoughts clearly repetitive. "Ross." I said. "NO- NO DON'T TELL ME AGAIN I KNOW IT'S NOT TRUE!" Ross shouted. As I was trying to calm down Ross, I got a text. From Robert.

12:07| Backwardsboy: Roy wgat id hsppeminh>
12:07| Backwardsboy: Is Ross pk>>
12:08| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Uhm.. your typing good?
12:08| Backwardsboy: Sotty my h3ad hyets
12:09| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Well.. I found him. I'll update you later.
12:09| Backwardsboy: Kkk

I put away the phone quickly. "Let me guess! That was Robert complaining about me.." Ross said, his voice quieter, and raspy from shouting while crying. Tears still fell from his face, just slower. "No. It was him asking me if you were ok." I corrected. "I can show you." I added. Ross just stared at me. "I.. I just wanted some time alone Roy." He said, still shaky. "I'll be home. I promise." He said, and began to stumble away as if he was drunk, his voice cracking on the word home.

12:11| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Well. He'll be home tonight. I.. I think I am gonna rest for a bit. I'll give ya the full story over call or something.


I got the text. Sent back a quick ok, then put my phone back. I held a bag of ice up to my head, it stinging from small pieces of glass still lodged in around my neck. I laid on my bed. I wondered if my sister was ok. She was my mom's favorite. She had been bought that damn trampoline. She got to do cool things and hang out with her friends whenever. Mom never really looked at her. Dad cared about her, not me. But she was an actual angel to them, me and everybody around her. Always caring, and sweet. She would share whatever she got. She was only 6. A very young behaved child. She stays with her friends often overnight. I was pretty sure she was with her friends for the night now.


I regretted everything I had said. Of course I only think after I've made mistakes. They always forgive me. They care. I know they do. I knew I needed to go home. I'd been exhaustively walking for 3 hours, sitting now and then at some random bench, or even on the ground. I had a slightly idea of where I was. I pulled out my dying phone. I went to the hatzgang group chat.

4:27| Ghostedbeanie: Hey..
4:28| Backwardsboy: ROSS OMFG HI
4:28| Backwardsboy: ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED!!!
4:28| Backwardsboy: WTF HAPPENED
4:29| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Ross you ok..?
4:30| Ghostedbeanie: Can we not discuss this over text? You both know why now..
4:30| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Ofc
4:30| Backwardsboy: Well Idk when I can go outside..
4:31| Ghostedbeanie: Oh uhm..
4:31| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Please try. Can we choose a meetup time tonight? Or smt?
4:32| Ghostedbeanie: Yea
4:32| Backwardsboy: I will try, ttyl
4:33| Ghostedbeanie: Ttyl Rob
4:33| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Ttyl!
4:34| *Backwardsboy has gone offline*
4:34| Ghostedbeanie: I'll cya in. uh.. soon?
4:34| L0V3F0RSW34T3RS: Kk Ross <3
4:35| *Ghostedbeanie has gone offline*
4:35| *L0V3F0RSW34T3RS has gone offline*

I walked and walked back, using google maps to lead my way. After another exhausting 2 hours, I saw the familiar house of mine. I opened the door, which was unlocked, and heard Roy making his way quickly over to the door, wrapping me in a giant hug when he saw me. I gently hugged back, almost falling over from how tight he was holding on mixed with how tired I was. I dragged myself to my bedroom after we pulled away, and fell over onto the bed, relief flooding through me as I felt the warm sheets under me. Roy leaned over, giving me a small kiss on the cheek. Warmth washed over me for a minute as I forgot about my troubles, soaking in the heat of the feeling of being cared about. But I remembered we still had to decide on a time to meet up to talk about our "situation". "Maybe Rob could sneak out." Roy suggested. "Makes sense." I agreed, yawning. "I'll text him about 9 pm tomorrow then." Roy said, and I just nodded, pulling my beanie over my eyes. My face still kinda hurts from crying really hard. I felt Roy lay down next to me, sighing. "Ross.." He said softly. "Mhm?" I questioned. "We do care you know." He said. "I.. I know Roy." I said. "Are you ok?" Roy asked as I turned to look him in the eyes. "..Maybe.." I said. I was unsure. He gave me a non-grin, genuine smile and I returned it. I gave him a small, gentle kiss before I turned off the light for us to try and get some early sleep. We weren't hungry. Me from being nauseous earlier, and Roy from just not having a giant appetite right now. I finally drifted off into a worried, dreamless sleep as my mind played through today's events like a broken record.

Well, my hands hurt. Damn that was a long one, ey?
Well, I hope ya liked it!
Thank you guys so much. I've gotten so much love.
It really helps give me motivation to write.
If y'all like this story please check out my 2 other ones.
Thank you so much for reading!!
Typing chapter 26 soon! <3

Word Count - 2040

Secrets. -RossxRoyxRobert Sleepover Story!-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin