Don't Walk Alone- Chapter 11

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I woke up first, again. Robert hadn't moved me, or Ross. But Ross had just randomly sat up. He had been twisting and turning for about 5 minutes. I assumed he was having a nightmare, but when he jolted up he looked really freaked out, even a little worried. Something is going on with him. Whether he wants to tell us or not, I think Robert also wants to know what is happening. I kinda stared at Ross for a moment. He looked at me, Robert, himself, then back to me. Robert opened his eyes, the sudden movement of Ross probably woke him up. "Eh-? What's happening?" He asked drowsily. "Oh- uhm. I don't exactly know." I responded. Robert looked over at Ross, who still was a bit freaked. "Just a nightmare- we all have them now and then, right?" He said in an awkward tone. I thought it was more than that, but I decided to leave the subject alone for now.


"Well, we should eat something. Maybe we could go out?" I suggested, fully waking up. "Also, uh." I said, blushing a bit. "You guys need to.. you know.. get off me." I finished. Roy quickly moved, and Ross was already partly moved. He slid the rest of the way up, and I was finally allowed to sit up more. "But yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Roy agreed. "Sure." Ross said, seemingly calming down. "Ross, how about you get changed first." I offer, and make eye contact with Roy. I want to ask him if he knows what's going on with Ross. He made a slight nod. "Yeah." Roy said. "Oh- uh alright." Ross said, slightly confused, grabbed some clothing and made his way out of the room. "You know what's going on?" I asked as soon as Ross was out of earshot. "Nope. He was twisting and turning for a while before jolting up, then you woke up. He's been acting weird for a while." Roy said, supplying me with the information I needed to start a theory. "Let's think back, has he ever been this way before?" I asked. "I don't think so. But he's been getting quieter for a long time, over the span of this year I think." Roy said. "He's never been so open to hugs and stuff like that!" I say, thinking deeper into what's happening.


I don't know why they want me to go first. But, oh well. I like the idea of going out to eat. My head pain isn't exactly back yet, but my head is still kind of foggy. I don't know why the pain faded yesterday. Everything has been really confusing since I've started liking them. Stupid nightmares. They don't happen every night, but they just randomly come back to haunt me now and then. Just echoing voices in a pit of nothing. Maybe it's because I was watching a horror movie. Yeah. That's it. I walk back after changing to Robert and Roy chatting, and they quiet their voices and very obviously change the tone of the conversation as I walk in. Suspicious, but whatever.


I glance at Ross as he walks in and back to Robert, who gets the gesture and starts talking about minecraft. I pretend like I'm listening. Smooth Robert. He's clumsy, but not with his words. Most of the time.. I think back to the other day. No! No thinking of that anymore. That's probably what got Ross like this in the first place. But the slight fever he had has gone away, so that's good. I head over to get changed next as Robert gestures to me over there.


Good thing Roy noticed Ross coming. I wait as Roy changes. Ross eyes me with a curious look. I hope he didn't hear anything. Me and Roy are planning to try and stay awake to see if Ross has another nightmare. We're both really worried for him. Roy comes back, I take my turn and we're ready to head out. Roy grabs some spare cash (He steals it from his parents, who don't even notice.) and we're off. We decided to get some Phoney Island. (Coney Island for y'all dumbasses) It isn't too far, nor is it too expensive. We get some food, eat and go out walking to just chat. 


I can't believe that of all people, I get head pain. AND nightmares! I mean come on! Roy clearly would be the one to have this happen to him. He clearly was worried about his transness, which he still hasn't fully explained why, and hit his head really hard on wooden ground. Like, what the fuck. Well, I'm glad it's not him. Ugh, these thoughts are so repetitive. The pain has come back and is drowning out their voices. "Guys, the sun is uhm. Too bright, can I sit down in the shade for a minute or two and catch up with you guys?" I ask as an excuse. "Uhm, sure I guess." Roy says. They keep walking and I sit down. After a few minutes, I think I'm ready to catch up with them, and a big white van (WHO COULD IT BE) pulls right in front of me. I realize how empty the street is. The door slides open and a much, bigger man than I expected reveals himself. (WOAH) I have no idea what to do in this situation. I've heard of kid disappearances, but I never expected to be on that list. I would've run, but I seemed frozen to the ground. Well, the bench.


Ross still hasn't caught up with us. "Hey, maybe we should wait for Ross?" I ask. "I was thinking the same thing." Robert answers. I look behind us to see if he's following, and I see a white van pretty far in the distance, a much bigger man than I've ever seen, and Ross, clearly trembling in front of it. Shit! "Robert, look!" I shout and start running over there without a response. I hear Robert behind me. I stop as soon as I reach Ross and stand in front of him and the man approaches. "What the hell?" The man asks, clearly wondering where the other 2 kids came from. (Clearly it's Frank guys) "What are you guys gonna do?" The man asked, grinning.


I finally caught up with Roy because I'm not the fastest runner, and kicked the man straight in his area. He flinched back in pain, and I grabbed Ross's hand to grab him up, and he clearly knew it was time to run. Ross unfroze and ran with me, Roy following. That entire situation was terrifying, and not what I was expecting whatsoever. If Ross wasn't going to have nightmares, he probably will now! We ran until we could see the road that led back to Roy's house. "Thank god that's over with." I said with a sigh. "Ross, are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I- just have trauma now-" He managed. "Let's head back guys. We don't need anymore run-ins with that guy. He's probably pissed at us now." Roy said impatiently. "Agreed." Ross said. I just then realized I was still holding Ross's hand. He noticed as well, and I quickly let go, blushing a bit. Roy just looked at us and shrugged.


That was terrifying. I'm glad Roy saw me, I don't know if I would've moved. I wish I hadn't been frozen there on the spot. As we were walking, Robert pointed out a crack and said, "Step on a crack, break your mom's back!" and stepped over it. "That rhymes older than you Robert." Roy said. "Watch this!" He said and hopped, attempting to step directly on it unlike both of us. I turned as he landed, stumbled, and fell over. Robert caught him in time, so he wouldn't get another concussion. But, caught him directly in his arms. Damn. My head hurts a bit more, I think, out of jealousy.


Fuck- I messed up. "Oh- thanks." I said as Robert helped me. He caught me? Cat-like reflexes like damn- I blushed a little. "No problem. And stop almost hurting yourself." Robert said. "Oh cmon, you bounced directly into me yesterday." I recalled. I instantly regretted saying that though, for it brought back that embarrassing memory. We continued walking, almost home. We discussed playing Uno when we were home as we walked.


Longer chapter!

Words - 1410

Secrets. -RossxRoyxRobert Sleepover Story!-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz