Driven- Chapter 21

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I stared as Ross dropped a bat to the ground. "Are we really going to do this?" I asked. "It's this, or Roy continues to suffer. The police won't listen to us because they think we're prank calling them. And Roy's parents don't care." Ross said. "You suggested it, I'm taking the chance." He added. "No fingerprints, no trace of anything." He said. Last time I had seen him this mad was when he slapped me, and he looked madder now. "I'll help. But we better do it right." I say. I reach over to pick up the bat and Ross stops me. "This bat has been in my mom's garage for years. Ain't no way fingerprints on it that aren't my dads. If they find it, the fingerprints on it will belong to a dead person. So don't touch it without gloves." Ross said. I nodded and grabbed a pair I saw on his desk. "Why do you have so many pairs of gloves?" I ask. "Reasons. Now we don't have much time if we want to spare Roy from more trauma tomorrow." Ross says, picking up the bag. "So are we gonna get rid of his.. body.. or?" I ask. "Nah. Just put it somewhere Roy won't see it first. Maybe before Roy gets there. Though his uncle is an awful person, it would be traumatizing to see a dead family member that's clearly been killed." Ross explained.


As the night went by I didn't get a response from Ross or Robert. Time seemed to go by faster, approaching tomorrow, which I was not looking forward to at all. Robert's little stuffed animal friend was helpful though. 


I grabbed the bat. We snuck out the back, climbing over the hill in the back of the movie theater  in case of cameras. We eventually made it to the mansion. There weren't exactly any windows to climb through but two on the top floor that we could see. Robert gave me a push up onto the window ledge, and I pulled up the window, and pulled up Robert. We snuck inside. We went downstairs, the old wood creaking in protest. We noticed a door leading downstairs on the side of the stairs as we explored, looking for Roy's uncle. Behind the door was a set of slightly newer looking stairs. Carpet lined them, draping across the steps with odd patterns on them. We carefully went downstairs, and I peeked around the corner with the bat in hand. Nobody was there. A few doors lined the hallway to the left, and a singular door sat at the end of the hallway on the right. Robert peeked around the side as well. "Which way?" He whispered. "Left." I whispered back. I wanted to check more doors, faster. I tried to be sneaky but the floor creaked beneath me. One of the doors was slightly open at the end. I slowly walked to the end of the hallway, Robert on my tail. I made it to the open door and looked in. It was a bathroom. Though I knew this was where somebody lived, it still was surprising after seeing the upstairs and its molded, dusty, spider-web filled room. I checked the next 2 doors. Bedrooms. 1 more door led to a kitchen-like area. We found nothing in these rooms.


As we finished finding nobody in any of the rooms, Ross started towards the singular room at the end of the hallway. The door was shut completely. Ross quietly tried opening it, but it was stuck. There was no place to put a key. Ross sighed. "Wanna try and break it free? There isn't a keyhole." He asked quietly. I nodded. He backed up, I did as well, and ran towards it. He shouldered the door as hard as he could and it flew open with a crack. The room inside looked ancient. Ross grasped his shoulder in pain as we headed inside, letting out a small breath of discomfort. The room was big and boxy, with a few doors inside it as well. I sighed at the thought of more searching. 


I heard Robert sigh. I didn't like the idea of exploring either, which is why I assumed Robert sighed. But I didn't care. That stupid motherfucker needed to die. I wasn't sure at first, but I am now. The room had a giant rug inside it, with strange symbols and marks on it. My shoulder still stung as we walked in further, but I ignored it. The room had a few half-melted, blown out candles on a nearby table. Otherwise, it was empty. I walked to one of 2 doors, both next to each other and closed at the end of the square room. I opened the left one. A chair was in the center of the room. Small splatters of blood rested on it. I was confused, and I looked up at Robert. He gave it a questioning look, and we then closed the door as we left the room, for it was also otherwise empty as of people. If Roy's uncle wasn't in this last room, and this room didn't have another room leading out of it, he must just not be here. I slowly opened the door, leading an older looking man to jump, and turn around. He was lighting a candle, and he almost burned himself as he looked behind him. It had to be him. I hid the bat behind myself to make sure. "Do you know any kid named Roy?" I asked him, trying to mask my impatient tone. "Roy? You mean Raya? Yes, she's my niece." He said, confused. He was in a red looking robe, slightly opened to reveal a suit. His glasses shined in the faint light of the candle and the dull brightness of a lamp nearby. "Nephew." I corrected him, revealing the bat. I walked over to him. He moved back, looking over to where he could escape, which was being blocked by Robert. I steadied my bat. I wasn't going to miss. I wasn't going to bail out. I was going to kill him. Whether I got caught, or not.

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