Ch4 | Learning the obvious

Start from the beginning

he answered with a cheery voice and no hesitation. 'ahhh, I can never understand him or the way he acts. but am thankful that he- both of them trust me.'
I for reason I don't understand nor care about felt a bit warmer from before.

Rimuru Spat out something that vaguely resembled clothes, it was made out of scales with the inside padded with grass, but unlike before, this grass looks more.... refined? and was better woven than before. (I wonder when can I buy some of that refined grass lol)

it still looked crap and uncomfortable, but it was better than before, at from the looks of it. I was a bit sad because it was just a shirt pretending to be a dress and pants.

"why does it looks different?" I didn't expect an answer to my mumblings. "ah, that because when I got more powerful after eating that snake, Great Sage got some of her power as well. which made her better at making things.

which include refining materials, which is why the grass started to look more like fabric."

"then why didn't she make anything better? like the scales look very un uneven and poorly made, and why is it not a full coat? it very cold here you know?" I may have sounded like a child complaining. but the sudden switch from having almost everything at the tips of my fingers, into wearing rages made from grass, is a big switch. so I was understandably very grumpy.

A.N/ and that's how you justify characters not like themselves, kids. 'it's not because am bad at writing, it's because of this reason that makes total sense.' Writing tips to excuse your skill issues 101.

<<Answer: it's because despite me getting a bit of my capabilities back, am still a hundred times weaker than before. so I couldn't make anything better than this with the time I had. especially because the scales are more complicated and harder to deal with than some grass"

That voice answered in my brain. I looked at Rimuru in confusion. "when did you get telepathy? and why was your voice more feminine?"

"No, I don't have telepathy, nor was that me. it was Great sage. btw, how did you do that Great sage?"

<<fufu~ I'm not going to tell you~ Figure that on your own~>> she answered both of us at once. 'I can't see nor Imagen her, but I can feel her smug, cheeky smile.'
"Is she always this sassy?"

"no... she almost always do what I say. but I guess she acts different right now since she got emotions."

"that's aside.. what should we do right now?...." I asked Rimuru and Great sage, but I noticed something at that moment. 'Rimuru is doing everything and I always rely on him on what to do.... am I a dead weight? No! I must be more useful than that and not leave everything to Rimuru!'

Rimuru wanted to answer me, but I interrupted him "I know what we should do!" With a bright smile full of determination and a pose that reeked confidence "as we almost died from that week snake from before, we must now try to get stronger before we move on!" I said with will as strong as steel on doing that.

"and how are you planning on doing that?" when he said that, a revelation came to me/
'so steel is weaker than paper...' (God I hope at least one person get that joke) then my body stiffed and my moved my face to the side.

"*long sigh*... so you have no plane... then lets start with getting skills like [Water Mastery] that I have."

"well... you see...  I don't know to control magicules..."

I can not only feel their deadpan faces, but touch that feeling. it felt like I got a zero on an exam and I don't even have a clue what exam is!

"you see, I was born with the ability to instinctively do magic and control magicules. and because of that I don't know how to start or do it at all since I was controlling magicules without even thinking. so I never truly understood how they work...." I tried my best to excuse my self and not look like complete fool.

Vampire and slime back in time [Rimuru X Luminous]Where stories live. Discover now