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The next day, after a successful and relaxing day at the beach, they decide to also rest a little more the day after. Zayn had booked them a few hours in the spa and Harry couldn't wait.

The stress he had because of the breakup caused some pimples to reappear on his skin and he would love to maybe have his skin improve again.

Louis also seemed very keen on going to the spa and he is now whistling as they walk toward the spa in the small town.

Harry really attempts not to look at him, trying to withhold himself from staring at his fake boyfriend, but he can't take his eyes off him. Louis is just so pretty, it should be a crime and besides that, he also isn't an asshole but a total sweetheart. Honestly, Harry can't blame his eyes for wanting to look at the blue-eyed man all day, but he just wished he could refrain.

God, how awkward would things be if Louis find out about Harry's little crush on him? They were faking things and practical strangers. Harry doesn't even understand why he feels this way, especially because he has just come out of a relationship... But he can't ignore his heart.

Liam, who is walking in front of the group with Niall, opens the door and holds it open until everyone is inside, once again being in his role as the father of the group.

Harry sniffs the perfumed air and lets out a content sigh. The whole atmosphere of the lobby already emits calmness, so he can't wait to see what the actual spa is like.

"So guys," Zayn speaks up, causing everyone to glance his way.  "I have booked a couples massage for everyone because we obviously can't fit in one room with the whole lot of us, and I figured that would be the most logical grouping. Besides, I don't think any of us mind it anyway." He wiggles his eyebrows making Niall cackle.

Oh boy, Harry certainly doesn't mind and that is the whole problem. He can't even keep his eyes off Louis while he's fully clothed, let alone if he's naked. He already saw that once, which was only a few seconds, and that already went badly. How can he be with Louis for probably an hour naked in the same room?

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. He'll just have to deal with it.

Then, he feels a hand on his shoulder and he turns his head towards the side that has been touched. Louis is looking at him with a worried expression which immediately makes Harry feel bad. He's making too big of a deal out of this. He should be able to be naked with a man and function normally.

"Are you okay?" Louis whispers softly, searching in his eyes for the answer to the question he has just asked.

Harry immediately nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

His voice is however shaky and he doesn't seem believable at all, so Louis isn't convinced and still seems concerned.

Luckily, one of the masseurs picks them up to lead them to the massage room and Louis can't ask a follow-up question.

Harry's shoulders immediately sag in relief but when he realizes that the fact that the woman is now bringing them to the massage beds means that they'll have to get naked soon, his shoulders tense again.

The woman luckily distracts him by talking in English with a heavy accent, but Harry can understand her and she seems very nice. Harry decides he likes her and he politely keeps a small conversation with her.

Louis is exceptionally quiet since normally he is the loudest in the room, and now Harry is starting to get worried about him instead of the other way around.

The masseur luckily quickly gets them ready to lie on the bed and Harry is grateful for the small towel they receive to cover their private area. Sure, Louis is still quite naked and really hot, but it's a little bit more bearable now.

Then a second masseur enters the room and they both get to work. Louis and Harry are completely silent, enjoying the massage they are given. Harry can't help a few groans that escape his lips, loving the firm and strong hands of the masseur that loosen the knots of his muscles.

When he groans for about the tenth time, he suddenly hears Louis from beside him. "Can you stop that?"

Harry bites his lip. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was even doing it."

"It's okay." He can Louis' soft voice say, seemingly regretting the way he snapped at Harry.

The rest of the massage drags on in silence, the only sound that is produced is by the masseurs kneading their muscles.

The hour is over sooner than Harry wants. He feels reborn after the relaxing treatment and all the stress seems to have left his body.

Louis seems in a similar state, his eyes slightly more closed than usual and his hair a big mess, something he doesn't seem concerned about.

Harry finds it pretty adorable actually.

They head over to the pool after having taken a quick shower to rinse off all the oils that were used during the massage. There, the lads and ladies are already waiting for them with towels wrapped around them, ready to get in the shower.

For a few more hours they try to get their money's worth, going into every shower and using the facility until their time is up. Harry has loved the whole experience and mentally thanks Zayn, even though he also despises his friend a bit because he had to see Louis naked. Not that it was a bad thing, but it did make him nervous.

When they're all dressed again and ready to leave, they walk out of the building to head over to their villa.

Harry extracts his phone from his pocket and his eyes skim the new messages he has received.

There are a few usual ones from his family, but he also notices that his ex, Sam has texted him again.

Sam: So you're still trying to play hard to get huh? I might have to talk some sense into you.

Harry frowns when he reads the message, his eyebrows furrowing in an expression that shows both anger and confusion.

Louis notices it, and of course he does, it's like his fake boyfriend has a sixth sense. He can perfectly see when Harry feels bad about something and honestly, he doesn't know how he should feel about that.

"Is everything okay?" Louis, not so surprisingly asks.

Harry immediately nods. "Yeah... Just got a text from Sam." He admits.

He needs to tell the story to someone and Louis is the only one he can talk to on the trip about this subject. He doesn't know what to do...

Louis now looks equally concerned, running a hand through his hair. "Can I see it?"

Harry nods and hands him his phone and Louis' eyes move from side to side as he reads the message before looking up at Harry again. "He has quite the self-esteem huh?"

Harry snorts. "Yeah, he has been acting like a dick. I don't know if he has always been like this, or if I was just too stupid to notice before." He rolls his eyes. "But he doesn't seem to accept that I don't want anything to do with him."

"You should just tell him that. Even though it may sound a bit harsh, it will get the message across." Louis suggests. "And as you said, he has been acting like a dick, so you can stand up for yourself."

Harry thinks about Louis' wise words for a moment before agreeing. "Yeah, I'll do just that."

Harry: I don't want anything to do with you anymore, so kindly fuck off.

"There," Harry says after he has sent the message. "All done-"

"What are you doing lads?" Niall joins them, laying one arm around Louis' shoulder and the other around Harry's. "Any secrets you can tell me?"

"Unless you want to hear about our sex life, no Niall, I'm afraid we don't." Louis quickly comes up with an answer.

Niall cackles. "You're a funny lad, Sam. Although I love the two of you together, I will have to pass."

Louis grins and shakes his head, momentarily meeting Harry's eye before looking down.

Harry is glad that Louis saved them from Niall's curiosity, but he can't help but wonder how it's so easy for Louis to lie. It almost seems like Louis believes what he is saying or at least wants his words to be true...

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