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Dinner stretches on for about one hour. Everyone has their stomachs filled with lovely food and everyone is in an amazing mood. They had great wine at the dinner, so everyone is a little bit buzzed.

"Shall we head over to a club?" Zayn suggests. "To really kick in this vacation?"

Niall immediately woops aloud. "Count me in! I will never say no to a few drinks."

Everyone chuckles and agrees with the Irish lad, so after having paid for the dinner, everyone starts walking toward the club.

Harry is a lightweight and along with that also a cuddly drunk, so his arm is wrapped around one of Louis' arms and he's leaning close to gather some comfort from Louis.

Louis just smiles fondly at his fake boyfriend and gladly accepts the clingy actions Harry pursues.

Then, they finally arrive at the club and after all having shown their IDs, they make their way inside. The music is loud and has nice beats that make you want to dance just by listening to it.

Well, Harry has the same reaction and immediately starts swiveling his hips to the rhythm as he struts over toward the bar.

He can feel the presence of Louis behind him, following Harry's footsteps as he trails behind him toward the bartender.

Harry immediately orders another drink, definitely needing it after the long day he's had. Louis seems hesitant on taking away Harry's drink so he wouldn't get too drunk, but doesn't undertake any action.

The group splits after they have all got a drink. Some of the couples make it to the dance floor and some just stand closely together and talk together suggestively.

Harry suddenly feels lonely when he sees them all having fun, and sure, he has Louis, but even drunk Harry knows that it's fake and that he's just become single just that day.

As if he said those frustrations aloud, a handsome man walks towards him with a flirty grin. Harry immediately gets flustered, not used to the attention. After all, he hasn't received that for a while because he was taken, but he basks in the attention, loving every second of it. It feels good to be wanted after someone has just dumped you.

He can feel Louis standing beside him but he's totally consumed by the strange man in front of him, running his hand through his curls and batting his eyelashes.

Suddenly he sees Louis from the corner of his eye also getting a drink, something he didn't do before when they just got to the club. Harry's eyebrows draw up but he just decides to ignore it and focus on the man that is interested in him. The alcohol in his blood makes him act differently than he usually would.

The man then asks him to dance, extending his hand with a questioning gaze. Harry giggles and accepts the invitation, before they walk together on the dance floor.

At first, there is an upbeat song playing, the beats making the whole room vibrate, basically forcing everyone to move along with the vibrations. That's exactly what Harry does with the stranger.

Harry is a shit dancer and his arms awkwardly move around his body, but luckily the man he's dancing with, is far gone himself so it doesn't seem to scare him off.

The music then starts to end and suddenly a dirty song starts playing. Harry is too far gone to know for sure which song is playing but he thinks it's called candy shop. But who knows? He might be wrong about that.

The man takes a suggestive step forward, winking at Harry before grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. Seconds later he feels the man's hips behind him pressing on his ass. He jumps, not expecting that to happen, and takes some distance from the man but the stranger doesn't seem to get the hint.

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