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Harry curses under his breath as he closes the door of the cab that transported him to the airport. With his dangly legs, he steps with long strides toward the trunk, grabbing his baggage, before waving at the taxi driver with a polite smile.

The smile is forced however and doesn't accentuate his mood in the slightest. He feels anything but joyful at the moment. But who can blame him for that? His boyfriend just broke up with him after all.

Sam fucking Stone. The name now feels foreign on Harry's lips and he never wants to utter the words again.

The hatred in him flares just thinking of the huge asshole who figured it was a great idea to break up with him on the day of the amazing trip they have been planning for ages.

The trip wasn't just for the two of them though. No, it was for Harry's whole friend group from college and all their partners. Naturally, Harry, therefore, invited Sam to come along on the trip to Greece.

Two relaxed weeks of just sitting in the sun, eating lovely food, and partying at night sounded heavenly to Harry, and Sam had been enthusiastic too. But now, Harry will be the seventh wheel and all alone.

And most of all, the thing he hates most, is the fact that he has to explain all of this to his friends who he hasn't seen for five years.

Sure, before those five years apart they spent every single minute of their days together and they know each other really well, but after that, they lost touch.

Of course, Niall, Liam, and Zayn feel like brothers to him, and he will always love them even though they haven't seen each other in ages, but this is definitely the downside of losing touch.

They have only heard briefly about Sam in their monthly Skype calls, but other than that, they know barely anything about him. And now, he has to explain how his boyfriend of almost two years broke up with him all of the sudden.

They will probably laugh in his face and claim that he had been lying all along about having a boyfriend. Sam was his first boyfriend and all the boys were always bugging him when he was single about finding someone. They will probably say that they have figured out that he was trying to get them off his back.

Which isn't even the case! And that is what frustrates Harry. He had a boyfriend he loved and he had a great two years with him. Just to be slapped in the face with a breakup out of the blue with no specific reason.

Things had been going so well... Harry just doesn't understand it.

He shakes all the depressing thoughts out of his head and tightens the backpack he brought on his shoulders. He also escorted a suitcase, but his essentials he packed in his bag so he can also grab those during the flight.

Once he enters the airport, he's immediately hit with chaos. All types of people are rushing through the hall that is built to welcome travelers, either to catch their flight or rush home.

Harry blinks a few times to ground himself, before moving forward toward the check-in.

The lads and Harry agreed on meeting at the gate. Their reason, or at least Harry's, was to enjoy the last moments of true privacy with his partner before being around his friends the whole time. He figured his brothers had the same motivation, but no one complained or said anything about it, so it was settled.

Now, however, Harry feels lonelier than ever as he drags his suitcase toward the check-in reception to make everything in order for the flight. Luckily the lady behind the desk is friendly enough and that lifts his mood a little, but still, he feels down as he prepares everything for take-off.

When the lady says everything is done and ready for his journey, he thanks her, and deposits his suitcase, before making his way to customs.

He makes his way through the long queue of people who are all waiting to get through the custom house. He gets through passport control, the end of the customs, in no time.

Then, he grabs some food and a drink for his flight and moves toward the gate.

When he looks around him it seems like everyone is happy. They're all with family, or with a partner or good friends. And of course, Harry knows he'll be with friends soon too, but he also knows that they'll only have eyes for their girlfriends.

He knows he shouldn't wallow in self-pity, that it won't fix anything, but he just had his heart broken this morning and he feels like shit. A natural reaction.

When he sees a book store he lets out a sigh of relief and enters the shop that displays millions of books. He's way too early for his flight, so he can afford some time to spend picking out some good books for during the journey.

He loves the distraction a book can offer — a distraction he desperately needs at the moment.

The bookstore isn't too crowded and Harry is glad to have a little moment of peace. Better to be alone for a while, than to be confronted with other joyful people all around you.

His eyes fall upon the book section. Apart from the books, the shop also sells magazines and some snacks, but Harry only needs a book at the moment. Okay, maybe more than one book. If he is going to be the seventh wheel, he better come prepared.

A sigh of relief escapes his lips when he sees the wall full of books and he crouches down to get a good look at a row of books that are shown on a plank at his feet. When he finds a series he has been wanting to read for forever, he grabs the set of four books and turns on his heels toward the cash register.

His eyes, however, are still cast on the stack of books in his hands and he doesn't notice where he's heading. The consequences of that mistake hit him - literally - in a blink of an eye.

His body crashes into something solid but also kind of soft, and Harry clumsily trips over his feet and tumbles to the ground.

As soon as he is sat on the wooden floor, his bum is all sore from the way it has been hit with the surface. Harry lifts his chin to see what he has bumped into. Or well... Who he has bumped into.

Before he has locked eyes with the person he has collided with, he already starts mumbling an apology along the lines of "I wasn't looking where I was going", "I'm really clumsy" and "I'm so sorry".

But then his eyes finally fall upon the stranger and green meets blue.

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Hi, this is the first chapter of my new book! The chapters will be shorter, but that also means I can hopefully update more often. I hope enjoyed this chapter and will stick around for the ones that will follow!

PS: What is your favorite song on FITF? (I absolutely love the whole album, it's a masterpiece)

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