(Extra) chapter 16

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Narrators pov

Life on the island was very peaceful to them. I mean they did have two new additions. Nagito still felt like he wasn't doing his best at being a dad. (Y/n) too but she had many other issues she was hiding. On the ride back from the future foundation she had to let go of her sister. Even though she created hell in earth and destroyed her class. Junko was still her little sister. She got rid of all the charms and yes she ripped out a piece of her shirt. She ripped Monokuma in half. That was her way of letting go.

(Y/n) still felt the guilt of watching all the deaths Junko caused. Hell (Y/n) helped kill Mukuro basically. But she couldn't show it. She had to be happy for the sake of her child. But Nagito could see it. He could see how her smile never shined as bright as it did before. Like today. Nagito went to the supermarket and hanged out with Hajime for a little.

When he returned (Y/n) and Natsuki were playing with a few toys Kazuichi made. "Oh look who's home." (Y/n) slightly smiled at her boyfriend. "Papa! Come play." Natsuki held up a toy. Nagito chuckled. "Yes yes. You two play I'll take care of this." (Y/n) grabbed the items from Nagito. Nagito sat next to his daughter. "Mama looks happier then when we were with Naegi." Natsuki climbed into Nagito lap. "But she still looks sad sometimes." She leaned into his chest. Nagito silently agreed and placed his head on top of hers.

At night Nagito disappeared. (Y/n) sighed not wanting to leave Natsuki by herself. "I'm sorry Sonia it seems Nagito ran off somewhere and I need someone to watch over Natsuki." (Y/n) spoke to the princess holding her daughter. "Of course." (Y/n) thanked her and ran off. "Why at night Nagito?" (Y/n) looked around the island.

She checked everywhere besides that building. She stood outside the memories in the program world coming to her. It was the building where she died. She clenched her fist and walked in. Sure enough there he was. Nagito sat in the middle staring at the ground.

"Darling?" She stepped in. Nagito didn't react. "Nagito?" She hesitantly walked closer to him. "This was where I found you." Nagito spoke. "I found you dead here." (Y/n) froze. "Nagito. I wasn't in my right mind." She said. "But you were. You knew everything. That's why you had to go. That's why you had to leave me." (Y/n) sat next to Nagito.

"Nagito I'm here. Im alive. That was fake." (Y/n) placed her hand on top of Nagito. "But the pain was real." (Y/n) looked down sad. "Was sacrificing yourself more for us or for Junko?" (Y/n) didn't say anything. It went silent and Nagito felt bad thinking he went a little too far. It was sobs that confirmed it. (Y/n) put her hands over her face as soft sobs left her lips.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Nagito put his hand out to hold her but scared himself and didn't. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leading the killing games. I'm sorry for not raising Junko or Mukuro right. I'm sorry I tried to protect them. I'm sorry that I'm still alive." (Y/n) cried out. Nagito watched in shock. He should've never asked that question. "Don't say that." "It's true! I shouldn't be here, I'm just as bad as my sisters. How the hell am I supposed to raise Natsuki when I couldn't raise my sisters!" (Y/n) sobbed loudly.

Nagito didn't know what to do. He's never seen (Y/n) cry. And here she was sobbing her heart out. He hugged her tightly. Trying to calm her. It took about half an hour until she fully calmed herself. "I'm lucky that you're alive. I've never been more lucky in my life." Nagito petted her hair. "I've been in love with you the first time I saw you. The hope that lived with you was nothing compared to your sisters. I don't blame you for anything. No one does. We all understood our mistakes and it's something we are forced to live with. We were used by Junko Enoshima. We were puppets for her despair. That was something we couldn't control."

"I can't blame you for trying to protect your family. Even knowing what she did you still tried. You loved her but you couldn't always be there for her. But Natsuki our daughter. She's still here. She loves you even after what had happened. I loved you even when my memories were taken. So please stop saying lies. If anyone should say things like that it should be tra-." He got cut off with a kiss. (Y/n) pulled back with a smile. "If I can't say things like that. You can't either." Nagito exhaled.

"I love you Nagito." She hugged him. "I love you too." He smiled.

My destroyed hope (Nagito Komeada x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat